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29 Jan 2022
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl-bot#1536 👉 Please give our community a bump from time to time on the following websites:
Top.gg Voting:
Discords.com Voting:
DiscordServers.com Voting:
It will only take a second & help with getting the project out in the world!
30 Jan 2022
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 udee, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 1. 🎉 15:41:26
31 Jan 2022
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 udee, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 2. 🎉 09:24:18
@_discord_261186914823045122:t2bot.ioSkwiggs joined the room.11:03:11
@_discord_198191559244513280:t2bot.ioiodityra#5924 changed their display name from iodityra to iodityra#5924.23:16:08
1 Feb 2022
@_discord_576755238195822612:t2bot.ioendorian#2276 ;rank 10:58:48
Download sample.png
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 udee, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 3. 🎉 14:22:31
@_discord_723928910756053053:t2bot.ioCuzIm50kmh joined the room.16:38:07
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioCarl-bot#1536 👉 Please give our community a bump from time to time on the following websites:
Top.gg Voting:
Discords.com Voting:
DiscordServers.com Voting:
It will only take a second & help with getting the project out in the world!
3 Feb 2022
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 posh-ji, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 1. 🎉 03:56:43
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 L.Crypt, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 1. 🎉 08:02:17
4 Feb 2022
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscortics™#3850 Doev, congratulations! You have leveled up to LEVEL 2. 🎉 11:33:10
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000Redacted or Malformed Event12:20:11

User level has been updated Successfully!

@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000Redacted or Malformed Event12:20:16
Download sample.png
@_discord_652501590686564352:t2bot.ioDoev#7736 joined the room.14:15:44
@_discord_652501590686564352:t2bot.ioDoev#7736 Haha thanks mate. I've been using matrix and discord both lately. Had a quick laugh when I reached level 2 today 😋 14:15:44
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 You're welcome! 😉 Levels got rolled back a bit a week or 2 ago,
happened since hackers got into the Discortics DB and they had to do a rollback to an unaffected backup.
So I've been restoring the levels of everyone that suffered from it/asked 🙂
@_discord_652501590686564352:t2bot.ioDoev#7736 Yeah saw that. But based on my discord activity level 2 was correct though. Was used to only use matrix. But I use discord also now, so I guess I answered a few questions via discord recently :p 15:12:05
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 Sadly we don't have all too many active Matrix users here,
I truly do prefer Matrix/Element over Discord for any kind of chatting!
Since it a truly private, decentralised & encrypted protocol on which anyone can build a chatting client,
Element is just the most common one, but you are not limited to chat w only people on Element,
you can chat with anyone using a client that uses the Matrix protocol! 😄

While Discord is a centralised & "telemetry" (spyware) filled platform..
However I do need to use it.. For my day-time job & for moderating the server here :/
Can't ban scammers on Discord from Element etc :/

Same goes for the leveling up, the XP doesn't register on Element since it's a Discord bot,
there are Element bots, but I didn't find any which could offer the same kind of function back then.
So I decided to just manually reward Element users the MVP/Elite perks if they stick around for long enough, which you truly did mate! Happy to have you along 😄
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 * Sadly we don't have all too many active Matrix users here,
I truly do prefer Matrix/Element over Discord for any kind of chatting!
Since it a truly private, decentralised & encrypted protocol on which anyone can build a chatting client,
Element is just the most common one, but you are not limited to chat w only people on Element,
you can chat with anyone using a client that uses the Matrix protocol! 😄

While Discord is a centralised & "telemetry" (spyware) filled platform..
However I do need to use it.. For my day-time job & for moderating the server here :/
Can't ban scammers on Discord from Element etc :/

Same goes for the leveling up, the XP doesn't register on Element since it's a Discord bot,
there are Element bots, but I didn't find any which could offer the same kind of function back then.
So I decided to just manually reward Element users the MVP/Elite perks if they stick around for long enough,
which you truly did mate! Happy to have you along 😄
@doev:matrix.orgDoev Yeah I didn't knew it before, untill I read your recommendation on Readthedocs (and yes, I'm actually one of those guys who read the whole thing haha). Like it a lot! Hope to use it more, now only for MGM. But hey, have to start somewhere ;) 17:38:33

You use discord for work? First time I hear that! So the chat is bridged, but controll can't be linked. Too bad!

And the leveling up feature is a nice addition. But getting leveled up is even better haha. It gave me the feeling that my 'help' here was appreciated, even though compared to many i dont really know a lot about coding with python or something. But my code reading and linking things to one another is.

In reply to @doev:matrix.org
Yeah I didn't knew it before, untill I read your recommendation on Readthedocs (and yes, I'm actually one of those guys who read the whole thing haha). Like it a lot! Hope to use it more, now only for MGM. But hey, have to start somewhere ;)

They do have some nice communities though 🙂
I'm in a Python, Raspberry Pi & the Techlore one, and also have some friends on here too 😄
I do agree though, there isn't that much people using it yet.

But 5 years ago, nobody was talking about data-privacy yet, I was already preaching to my friends about it then,
nowadays it hits the news frequently (Facebook, Google, China, all with their data scandals..)

I hope with it becoming more & more known to the general public that we'll near a point where society will stand up against it.
It'll either be that, or moving into a mass automated AI powered surveillance machine I fear..

In reply to @doev:matrix.org
Yeah I didn't knew it before, untill I read your recommendation on Readthedocs (and yes, I'm actually one of those guys who read the whole thing haha). Like it a lot! Hope to use it more, now only for MGM. But hey, have to start somewhere ;)

They do have some nice communities though 🙂
I'm in a Python, Raspberry Pi & the Techlore one, and also have some friends on here too 😄
I do agree though, there isn't that much people using it yet.

But 5 years ago, nobody was talking about data-privacy yet, I was already preaching to my friends about it then,
nowadays it hits the news frequently (Facebook, Google, China, all with their data scandals..)

I hope with it becoming more & more known to the general public that we'll near a point where society will stand up against it.
It'll either be that, or "evolving" into a mass automated AI powered surveillance machine I fear..

In reply to @doev:matrix.org

You use discord for work? First time I hear that! So the chat is bridged, but controll can't be linked. Too bad!

And the leveling up feature is a nice addition. But getting leveled up is even better haha. It gave me the feeling that my 'help' here was appreciated, even though compared to many i dont really know a lot about coding with python or something. But my code reading and linking things to one another is.

Yes I do 😄 For a software company it's very handy 🙂
The issue is that on Discord, bot's can't reply to bots, and when we send a message on Matrix,
then the MatrixBridge-Bot on Discord will post our message, as a bot.
So if I post a Discord bot command on Element, the Discord bot will ignore it, since the message "comes from" the MatrixBridge-Bot
@rikj000:matrix.orgRikj000Your help is very appreciated man, really! You've already done a lot more for the community than most users do! 🦾17:50:22
@doev:matrix.orgDoev Glad to be here! Learning new things, a community where asking questions isn't punished with whipping haha. Even though I'm currently not very busy with hyperopting and stuff (lack of time), still trying to lend a helping hand when possible! 17:53:20

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