
DEAD: Developers India - Showcase

3 Members
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11 Mar 2024
@prathtest:matrix.orgPrathamesh B left the room.22:28:13
@psy32nd:matrix.orgpsychhim left the room.22:28:18
@punit_arya:matrix.orgPunit Arya left the room.22:28:23
@qaziiq:matrix.orgqaziiq left the room.22:28:29
@qpalzmwoskxneidjcb:matrix.orgqpalzmwoskxneidjcb left the room.22:28:34
@raymon323:matrix.orgraymon323 left the room.22:28:40
@redcentaur08:matrix.orgredcentaur08 left the room.22:28:45
@reednadav:matrix.orgReed Nadav left the room.22:28:50
@rototrash:matrix.orgrototrash left the room.22:28:56
@scarfacelol:matrix.orgscarfacelol left the room.22:29:01
@securetty:matrix.orgsecuretty left the room.22:29:07
@sourav111:matrix.orgsourav rajvi left the room.22:29:12
@starfloragord:matrix.org🌎⭐️🌟Flora Gordon left the room.22:29:18
@sudoer777:matrix.org37h4n left the room.22:29:24
@tayloralgo1:matrix.orgtayloralgo1 left the room.22:29:30
@tenko:internet-portal.cztenko left the room.22:29:35
@therealmenace47:matrix.orgDavid Williams left the room.22:29:40
@thorrry:matrix.orgthorrry left the room.22:29:46
@tobin6579:matrix.orgtobin6579 left the room.22:29:51
@toorti:matrix.orgtoorti left the room.22:29:57
@uttesv:matrix.orgVincent Kadar left the room.22:30:02
@vincentop9kad:matrix.orgVincent Kadar left the room.22:30:08
@wertd:matrix.orgVincent Kadar left the room.22:30:13
@willo50:matrix.orgwillo50 left the room.22:30:18
@willyki:matrix.orgwillyki left the room.22:30:23
@ytoooo:matrix.orgytoooo left the room.22:30:34
@ytru:matrix.orgytru left the room.22:30:40
@zexu:matrix.orgzexu left the room.22:30:45
@iamak:matrix.orgएके changed the room name to "DEAD: Developers India - Showcase" from "Developers India - Showcase".22:58:35
16 Apr 2024
@iamak:matrix.orgएके changed their profile picture.19:16:33

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