
Semantic MediaWiki

192 Members
SMW lets you store and query data with­in MediaWiki pages. Mirrored in the SMW Telegram, which you can join at https://t.me/joinchat/MCG84k3OMoaYZoFA9yhyMg10 Servers

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23 Apr 2024
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxok. we'll look for the jobs. We're done testing for the day. I'll follow-up tomorrow. Thank you!21:26:30
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlI'm still waiting a response from asking our editors to test this on our wikis.21:27:13
24 Apr 2024
@eisenvig:matrix.org@eisenvig:matrix.org left the room.00:51:53
@bertrandgorge:matrix.orgBertrand GorgeI can confirm that it still works on ours, I did it yesterday...07:34:38
In reply to @bertrandgorge:matrix.org
I can confirm that it still works on ours, I did it yesterday...
Thanks! Hopefully it's just a configuration issue then .
@bertrandgorge:matrix.orgBertrand GorgeI'd rather look for a glitch in the DB and run some maintenance scripts...11:43:50
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.22:04:15
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.22:39:46
26 Apr 2024
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaNext Friday the Wikimedia Hackathon will start. You will be able to participate remotely if you can devote some time next Friday-Sunday for SMW related tasks: https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_202414:24:13
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxNot sure where to document this, but we've discovered that we can reliably produce the infamous "SMW dropped properties bug" by making the page a member of a Page Forms Class (i.e. Category:Foo, Form:Foo, Template:Foo, and Property:Has Bar and Property:Has Zaz) and designing it to use a form the sets multiple form fields (like Has Bar and Has Zaz) with the "|value from category=Foo|" where Category:Foo has many (> 1000) pages. Once this is the case, all pages in the class Foo will reliably drop all SMW categories upon PF #autoedit from another page. Note - I don't think this has anything to do with Page Form itself. I think this has to do with the added processing that PF adds to the parser process. 16:13:32
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * Not sure where to document this, but we've discovered that we can reliably produce the infamous "SMW dropped properties bug" by making the page a member of a Page Forms "Class" (i.e. Category:Foo, Form:Foo, Template:Foo, and Property:Has Bar and Property:Has Zaz) and designing it to use a form the sets multiple form fields (like Has Bar and Has Zaz) with the "|value from category=Foo|" where Category:Foo has many (> 1000) pages. Once this is the case, all pages in the class Foo will reliably drop all SMW categories upon PF #autoedit from another page. Note - I don't think this has anything to do with Page Form itself. I think this has to do with the added processing that PF adds to the parser process. 16:14:03
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * Not sure where to document this, but we've discovered that we can reliably produce the infamous "SMW dropped properties bug" by making the page a member of a Page Forms "Class" (i.e. Category:Foo, Form:Foo, Template:Foo, and Property:Has Bar and Property:Has Zaz) and designing it to use a form the sets multiple form fields (like Has Bar and Has Zaz) with the "|value from category=Foo|" where Category:Foo has many (> 1000) pages. Once this is the case, all pages in the class Foo will reliably drop all SMW categories upon PF #autoedit from another page. Note - I don't think this has anything to do with Page Forms itself. I think this has to do with the added processing that PF adds to the parser process. 16:14:16
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * Not sure where to document this, but we've discovered that we can reliably produce the infamous "SMW dropped properties bug" by making the page a member of a Page Forms "Class" (i.e. Category:Foo, Form:Foo, Template:Foo, and Property:Has Bar and Property:Has Zaz) and designing it to use a form the sets multiple form fields (like Has Bar and Has Zaz) with the "|value from category=Foo|" where Category:Foo has many (> 1000) pages. Once this is the case, all pages in the class Foo will reliably drop all SMW categories upon PF #autoedit from another page. Note - I don't think this has anything to do with Page Forms itself. I think this just has to do with the ability of using PF to add the additional processing complexity to the parser process that SMW needs to expose the issue. 16:15:12
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * Not sure where to document this, but we've discovered that we can reliably produce the infamous "SMW dropped properties bug" by making the page a member of a Page Forms "Class" (i.e. Category:Foo, Form:Foo, Template:Foo, and Property:Has Bar and Property:Has Zaz) and designing it to use a form that sets multiple form fields (like Has Bar and Has Zaz) with the "|value from category=Foo|" where Category:Foo has many (> 1000) pages. Once this is the case, all pages in the class Foo will reliably drop all SMW categories upon PF #autoedit from another page. Note - I don't think this has anything to do with Page Forms itself. I think this just has to do with the ability of using PF to add the additional processing complexity to the parser process that SMW needs to expose the issue. 16:53:20
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * Not sure where to document this, but we've discovered that we can reliably produce the infamous "SMW dropped properties bug" by making the page a member of a Page Forms "Class" (i.e. Category:Foo, Form:Foo, Template:Foo, and Property:Has Bar and Property:Has Zaz) and designing it to use a form that sets multiple form fields (like Has Bar and Has Zaz) with the "|values from category=Foo|" where Category:Foo has many (> 1000) pages. Once this is the case, all pages in the class Foo will reliably drop all SMW categories upon PF #autoedit from another page. Note - I don't think this has anything to do with Page Forms itself. I think this just has to do with the ability of using PF to add the additional processing complexity to the parser process that SMW needs to expose the issue. 16:53:34
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * Not sure where to document this, but we've discovered that we can reliably produce the infamous "SMW dropped properties bug" by making the page a member of a Page Forms "Class" (i.e. Category:Foo, Form:Foo, Template:Foo, and Property:Has Bar and Property:Has Zaz) and designing it to use a form that sets multiple form fields (like Has Bar and Has Zaz) with the "|values from category=Foo|" where Category:Foo has many (> 1000) pages. Once this is the case, all pages in the class Foo will reliably drop all SMW categories upon PF #autoedit from another page. Note - I don't think this has anything to do with Page Forms itself. I think this just has to do with the utility of using PF as a means of adding the additional processing complexity to the parser process that SMW needs to expose the issue. 16:54:27
29 Apr 2024

I would not be so sure. Remember the PF developers do not test anymore with SMW. If I understand correctly, there are several PF features involved:

  • you use the "create class" feature of PF (while it is a great feature, I never have really used it)
  • what do you mean with "will reliably drop all SMW categories?
  • you use the #autoedit parser function from another page to edit a SMW page

Do you observe this in a Meza wiki you can make publicly accessible?

Do you mean this with the "SMW dropped properties bug"? https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/issues/5392

Di you use CirrusSearch as well?
I think the best way to document this is to open an issue on GitHub with your exact versions you are using. On element it will get lost.

@revansx:matrix.orgrevansxYes. The SMW dropped properties bug15:45:29
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx[Do you observe this in a Meza wiki you can make publicly accessible?] No. Not yet. I'm working on it15:49:38
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx[Di you use CirrusSearch as well?] Yes we use CirrusSearch15:55:55
@revansx:matrix.orgrevansx * [Did you use CirrusSearch as well?] Yes we use CirrusSearch 15:56:02
30 Apr 2024
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaSave the date: (S)MWCon Fall 2024 will be held in Vienna, Austria from November 4-6, 2024. 17:09:58
In reply to @krabina:matrix.org
Save the date: (S)MWCon Fall 2024 will be held in Vienna, Austria from November 4-6, 2024.
Tues. Nov. 5th is also the day for the US General Election
@jeffreywang:matrix.orgJeffrey Wang (MyWikis)Not a problem - you can vote early.18:23:20
1 May 2024
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabina* Save the date: MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024 will be held in Vienna, Austria from November 4-6, 2024. 20:37:56
2 May 2024
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaTomorrow the Wikimedia Hackathon in Tallinn will start. Even if you cannot make it there physically, you can still participate in SMW related hacking. We will coordinate something ant let you know. Try to make time on Friday afternoon (and the weekend if you don't mind) to join in some bug hunting, PR improvement, testing, documenting, etc.11:30:25
3 May 2024
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaI'm located in Las Vegas room (at the hackathon). Feel free to join me anytime.09:29:38
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaWe have a Signal group in case someone wants to join: https://signal.group/#CjQKIAMCxsaIlkxja_7wfJpgDcVHcV26eE7pTP94NcGzAwMWEhAqLuVD1QGd7Nh7tn2bPu9t10:50:42
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinahelp us translate SRF into your language (e. g. the previously untranslated statistics formats): https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:Translate&group=mwgithub-semanticresultformats&filter=%21translated&optional=1&action=translate&language=en (I just did German)11:21:06
@jeffreywang:matrix.orgJeffrey Wang (MyWikis)
In reply to @krabina:matrix.org
I'm located in Las Vegas room (at the hackathon). Feel free to join me anytime.
I wish you were in the real Las Vegas 🤪

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