
Semantic MediaWiki

190 Members
SMW lets you store and query data with­in MediaWiki pages. Mirrored in the SMW Telegram, which you can join at https://t.me/joinchat/MCG84k3OMoaYZoFA9yhyMg10 Servers

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3 Mar 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin
In reply to @alex.mashin:matrix.org
Is there a way to find out whether a PrintRequest object is the main result column?
So far, I decided to use !$request->getData(). Seems to work.
4 Mar 2024
@serious_fun:matrix.orgOpen Risk changed their display name from SeriousFun to Open Risk.11:03:51
7 Mar 2024
@ari-party:matrix.orgastrid joined the room.13:04:58
@ari-party:matrix.orgastridHow can I get a page's "Pages transcluded on" property?13:05:17
@ari-party:matrix.orgastridLike I have a module, and I want to see which pages use it.13:05:27
@nikerabbit:matrix.orgnikerabbitI am not aware of such property. Special:WhatLinksHere does that in MediaWiki core.13:33:57
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaMaybe this helps? https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Incoming_format But transclusion is something different.13:52:04
10 Mar 2024
@telegram_679079626:t2bot.ioadam ~ @adinfinitum:mozilla.org changed their profile picture.11:07:19
12 Mar 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin Does param-processor/param-processor offer a way to declare an optional parameter without a default value, so that, if a vallue is not sullplied, the parameter is absent from the array of parameters? 11:35:37
@telegram_807517410:t2bot.ioJeroen changed their display name from Jeroen (Professional.Wiki) to Entropy.22:05:17
13 Mar 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin Dear all,
who is in charge of Semantic Result Formats?
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinEspecially, for the graphviz format.04:52:21
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinDer Erweiterungführer.04:53:10
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinPerhaps, Alexander Gesinn or Sebastian Schmid?04:53:47
@oetterer:matrix.orgoetterer set a profile picture.06:13:38
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaIt is an open source project, so nobody is in charge. Alexander is doing a lot an Jeroen/ProWiki are doing releases. 06:38:54
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinThank you. I presume, I should ask either to review a bit pull request?06:45:35
@kghbln:matrix.orgkghblnRedacted or Malformed Event11:44:48
@kghbln:matrix.orgkghblnRedacted or Malformed Event16:50:57
15 Mar 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin In PHP, is there a way to know the "owner" of a value returned by a chain printout (e.g., ResultArray), that is the title of the page, in which this chain value has been set? I.e., for ?relation1.property2 get the name of the target of relation1? 08:54:21
@kghbln:matrix.orgkghbln Bernhard Krabina: Since you worked on this. Do you have a clue why these vocabulary pages do not get added to the wiki? https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/tree/master/data/import/vocabularies I am using the default for https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:$smwgImportFileDirs thus I would have thought that not just the original four pages (foaf, owl, schema and skos) get imported? 18:30:38
In reply to @kghbln:matrix.org
Bernhard Krabina: Since you worked on this. Do you have a clue why these vocabulary pages do not get added to the wiki? https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/tree/master/data/import/vocabularies I am using the default for https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:$smwgImportFileDirs thus I would have thought that not just the original four pages (foaf, owl, schema and skos) get imported?
Admittedly I never looked closer at this.
16 Mar 2024
@nikerabbit:matrix.orgnikerabbitI made a PR for SMW. Reviews would be welcome: https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/561607:55:16
@bertrandgorge:matrix.orgBertrand GorgeI spent 10 minutes confusing your comments with the one of coderabbit... I thought Nikerabbit was also a bot or I don't know 😂08:50:09
@nikerabbit:matrix.orgnikerabbit:D. I don't know who has set up coderabbit there15:34:09
17 Mar 2024
@bertrandgorge:matrix.orgBertrand GorgeTo say the truth, if it can find bugs, why not...!12:35:57
18 Mar 2024
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaI just created a first session proposal for MW Hackathon in Tallinn: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T36032313:59:23
@krabina:matrix.orgkrabinaanybody going?13:59:32
@nikerabbit:matrix.orgnikerabbitI'm going to Tallinn17:23:06

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