
Semantic MediaWiki

190 Members
SMW lets you store and query data with­in MediaWiki pages. Mirrored in the SMW Telegram, which you can join at https://t.me/joinchat/MCG84k3OMoaYZoFA9yhyMg10 Servers

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5 May 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin changed their display name from alex.mashin to Alexander Mashin.08:26:26
6 May 2024
@telegram_1064713623:t2bot.ioLuca Mauri Hello.
Please a I need help regarding Incoming Properties in a SMW query.
I read the documentation https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Incoming_format and I am able to perform queries on pages. My question is regarding scripting: can I have the same result using LUA?
Either this is not possible, or I am unable to find proper documentation.
In reply to @telegram_1064713623:t2bot.io
Please a I need help regarding Incoming Properties in a SMW query.
I read the documentation https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Incoming_format and I am able to perform queries on pages. My question is regarding scripting: can I have the same result using LUA?
Either this is not possible, or I am unable to find proper documentation.
You need to install https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Scribunto. Follow the documentation of this extension to learn how to query in lua.
@telegram_1064713623:t2bot.ioLuca Mauri
In reply to @oetterer:matrix.org
You need to install https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Scribunto. Follow the documentation of this extension to learn how to query in lua.
Can you please point me to the documentation specific to Incoming Properties query?
In reply to @telegram_1064713623:t2bot.io
Can you please point me to the documentation specific to Incoming Properties query?
There is only a general documentation on how to do SMW parser function queries in lua (here: https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticScribunto/blob/master/docs/mw.smw.ask.md). You have to figure out, how you would do your query normally and then you can easily reproduce it in lua.
8 May 2024
@witchit:matrix.orgwitchIT changed their display name from witchit to witchIT.15:16:13
15 May 2024
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaFor the next conference, we want to be especially early on getting potential contributions (talks), because an attractive program is the main reason why new attendees might be interested to show up. So please already find the call for contributions and think about what you would like to present: https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Users_and_Developers_Conference_Fall_2024/Call_for_Contributions17:55:18
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaIf you don't have a great MediaWiki use case or extension to present, you can also contribute to the program by giving an introduction or tutorial.17:56:33
16 May 2024
@telegram_1977927929:t2bot.ioxxSputn1x@ Xxkik joined the room.12:15:33
@telegram_1977927929:t2bot.ioxxSputn1x@ XxkikTutorial12:14:13
@telegram_1977927929:t2bot.ioxxSputn1x@ XxkikSorry for my English it's not good12:13:27
29 May 2024
@lighthazard:matrix.orglighthazardI have some large queries with a lot of ?propertyName to show a column for it. I'd like to query a page like [[Page:Something]]?ALLPROPERTIES which will list all properties for it, ideas?14:26:58
15 Jun 2024
@shroudedlotus:matrix.orgShrouded Lotus joined the room.02:04:46
@shroudedlotus:matrix.orgShrouded LotusIf a text property contains a paragraph with multiple double square brackets in said paragraph, is there a way exclude all results that contain a specific sequence of words within the aforementioned paragraph02:43:28
@shroudedlotus:matrix.orgShrouded LotusThe property is denoted as Lore. So I wish to do something like [[Lore:!~once per turn]]02:44:46
23 Jun 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin

Dear SMW developers,
I suspect that SMW issues queries altering tables (mainly, OPTIMIZE) to SQL backend every time that a query is made to wiki API, including automatically updating recent changes; as if SetupStore.php is being launched again and again. That happens because something is wrong with the upgrade key.

In fact, SetupStore.php has been run on container startup, and only then php-fpm started. There is no cron in the container.

Is this so, and how can this be switched off? Updating the database without being explicitly told to do that is definitely wrong.

@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin *

Dear SMW developers,
I suspect that SMW issues queries altering tables (mainly, OPTIMIZE) to SQL backend every time that a query is made to wiki API, including automatically updating recent changes; as if SetupStore.php were being launched again and again. That happens because something is wrong with the upgrade key.

In fact, SetupStore.php has been run on container startup, and only then php-fpm started. There is no cron in the container.

Is this so, and how can this be switched off? Updating the database without being explicitly told to do that is definitely wrong.

@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin I have studied .smw.json and made sure that any web request to wiki brings it to maintenance mode. 06:39:31
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin $smwgIgnoreUpgradeKeyCheck does not stop the database from being flooded with OPTIMIZE and other queries; just prevents the maintenance mode message being shown instead of wiki pages. 08:59:19
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin Whether or not setupStore.php has ben run at container startup. 09:01:30
24 Jun 2024
@lighthazard:matrix.orglighthazard Anyone know if I can modify QueryResults in getResultText() to add an extra property if it's not there? Say |?Geometry ? 13:49:23
29 Jun 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander Mashin composer update shows the message This file is part of the SemanticMetaTags extension, it is not a valid entry point. It is defined here: https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMetaTags/blob/4f1cce3e15d95ec9a7d1207ae99d765a983b624b/DefaultSettings.php#L12. 09:45:52
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaIssue is reported here: https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMetaTags/issues/7611:28:46
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinWhat is the freshest currently installable combination of versions of PHP, composer, MW and SMW?13:02:32
@krabina:matrix.orgBernhard KrabinaI am using LTS versions only. So 1.39, but in one instance with PHP 8.214:36:41
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinAnd you have managed to make SMW work under PHP 8.2 without 'passing by reference' errors?16:29:20
30 Jun 2024
@alex.mashin:matrix.orgAlexander MashinPHP 8.0, MW 1.39, SMW 4.3.1, Composer 2 seems to be installable.05:45:25
@jeroend:matrix.orgJeroen De DauwPHP 8.1 is definitely fine. Unsure about 8.219:25:50
@brian4:matrix.orgbrian4 joined the room.23:50:13
1 Jul 2024
@justinl:matrix.orgjustinlRedacted or Malformed Event15:12:14

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