
Framework Laptops

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16 Jul 2024
@echobc:matrix.orgechobcNo, the one I posted. 22:41:14
@echobc:matrix.orgechobcIt has a dash and a number behind it. 22:41:24
17 Jul 2024
@gish:gish.ggGish changed their display name from gish to Gish.00:35:28
19 Jul 2024
@ten10:matrix.orgten10 joined the room.02:40:36
@ten10:matrix.orgten10 Not satisfied with my interaction with email support. What alternatives do I have? 02:42:00
@ten10:matrix.orgten10Community forum is one06:38:34
@inffy:pikaviestin.fiinffyWell if you have an issue and need support then you will end in the fw support of ots amhw issue or something06:41:35
@inffy:pikaviestin.fiinffy* Well if you have an issue and need support then you will end in the fw support of ots an hw issue or something06:41:48
In reply to @ten10:matrix.org
Not satisfied with my interaction with email support. What alternatives do I have?

Sue them, take the loss, write a blog post in retaliation, ask here, visit a tech conference (and find other physical users), ask on forums.

All kinds of options.

You could just ask here...

@echobc:matrix.orgechobcBuying a laptop online is always a misery. Buying it from a physical store five minutes away is an experience I will miss. It should be easy to show to the vendor that it doesn't work. I don't think online shopping is an improvement in general. One way to combat it is forming an association with a million members such that if a company annoys one member, the rest immediately boycotts them. The problem is that I doubt one can find a million reasonable people that all trust each other to be reasonable. 11:08:36
@echobc:matrix.orgechobcLots of people are not in the position to immediately return a laptop, because for example the data isn't encrypted on device. 11:09:56
@echobc:matrix.orgechobcThose are all hurdles and it's best to plan ahead such that you can do that. 11:10:23
@ten10:matrix.orgten10Trying to upgrade firmware but laptop (Linux) isn't detecting the USB with the firmware files. It appears in BIOS but not in the boot manager. Tried booting without USB plugged in and then plugging it in once at the boot manager screen. USB was formatted to fat3211:53:49
@neo:shdw.frHaleyWhich linux? Under ubuntu, fwupdmgr update is usually enough.12:16:49
@ten10:matrix.orgten10Fedora SB12:23:27
@ten10:matrix.orgten10Also tried disabling secure boot12:25:37
@neo:shdw.frHaleydon't think it has to do with secure boot. Try to check if you can run: "sudo fwupdmgr update" - if you have it, it should propose you to install an update (if available).13:05:57
@inffy:pikaviestin.fiinffyO guess the SB means Sipverblue in this instance 14:49:25
@inffy:pikaviestin.fiinffy* I guess the SB means Silverblue in this instance 14:49:52
In reply to @inffy:pikaviestin.fi
I guess the SB means Silverblue in this instance
@inffy:pikaviestin.fiinffyFwupd should installed in Silverblue 15:08:50
In reply to @neo:shdw.fr
don't think it has to do with secure boot. Try to check if you can run: "sudo fwupdmgr update" - if you have it, it should propose you to install an update (if available).
Just tried it but nothing available
@ten10:matrix.orgten10Maybe I should've been more specific by saying it's a BIOS update I'm having an issue with? 15:10:49
@neo:shdw.frHaleyfwupdtmgr is the bios update utility15:11:56
@inffy:pikaviestin.fiinffyDo you get anything with 'sudo fwupdmgr get-devices'15:32:36
@inffy:pikaviestin.fiinffyOr maybe you already are on the latest stable bios and newer one is still on the lvfs-testing branch15:33:33
In reply to @inffy:pikaviestin.fi
Do you get anything with 'sudo fwupdmgr get-devices'
It just asks if I want to upload a report.
In reply to @inffy:pikaviestin.fi
Or maybe you already are on the latest stable bios and newer one is still on the lvfs-testing branch
Please note that for this platform LVFS will not update the CSME firmware. so we only recommend updating using the EFI updater. This is a limitation of LVFS which does not ship the binary blobs from Intel necessary to update the CSME.
@mzellhoefer:matrix.orgTillmann changed their profile picture.19:55:17
22 Jul 2024
@metasyntactical:matrix.org@metasyntactical:matrix.org left the room.19:26:14

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