

37 Members
Official LibreMiami chat room, more at libremiami.org. All times should be in Miami time AKA EST + ~15 minutes. No bullying Ryan Prior please.5 Servers

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11 Sep 2020
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * "Mycroft, render that selection of partials to pdf and wav"00:43:22
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart"Mycroft, play all of the opening sonorities from all of Haydn's symphonies" (music21-mycroft-skill)00:51:58
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * "Mycroft, play all of the opening sonorities from all of Haydn's Symphonies" (music21-mycroft-skill)00:52:10
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * "Mycroft, play all of the opening sonorities from all of Haydn's Symphonies" 00:52:18
12 Sep 2020
@ryanprior:matrix.orgryanprior jgart: do you use Mycroft? I've been interested in setting up a voice assistant but it would absolutely have to be something open source and freakishly privacy-forward. 01:22:27
@fullstad:matrix.orgfullstad joined the room.03:26:49
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart Haven't even installed it yet but it looks promising. I've been chatting with the devs a bit over at their mattermost instance and looking through the currently available skills 05:15:42
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * Haven't even installed it yet but it looks very promising. I've been chatting with the devs a bit over at their mattermost instance and looking through the currently available skills 05:15:52
In reply to @ryanprior:matrix.org
jgart: do you use Mycroft? I've been interested in setting up a voice assistant but it would absolutely have to be something open source and freakishly privacy-forward.
They allow you to not register with their API's
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgartOtherwise, you have to register your device. Given that my device would be my laptop I don't feel comfortable registering my laptop with their API's05:17:53
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgartI'd be happy to create my own custom voice-activated skills though05:18:35
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgartMycroft might be a nice candidate to get into guix. nixpgs has not packaged it.05:19:04
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart sbase yes 05:46:57
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [LibreMiami/libremiami-search-bak] jgart closed issue Add mirror of git history from search.libremiami.org (#2) 22:08:49
13 Sep 2020
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [LibreMiami/LibreMiami] jgart opened issue register libremiami sourcehut repository (#48) 08:02:00
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [LibreMiami/libremiami-packages#master] 1 new commit by jgart 09:03:10
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • add Luke Smith's fork of st (4adc7348)
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart I added Luke's fork of st to libremiami-packages 09:15:35
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * I added Luke Smith's fork of st to libremiami-packages 09:15:48
Download image.png
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgartIt has applied the swallow patch, vi bindings, transparency, and more09:17:48
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * It has the swallow patch, vi bindings, transparency, and more applied09:18:09
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * I added Luke Smith's fork of st to libremiami-packages 09:18:57
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * I added Luke Smith's fork of st to libremiami-packages. It's a nicely configured terminal. 09:26:55
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * It has the swallow, vi bindings, transparency, and other patches applied09:27:27
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [LibreMiami/libremiami-packages#master] 1 new commit by jgart 11:21:15
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • fix st-luke package name in store (afebddc5)

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