

39 Members
Official LibreMiami chat room, more at libremiami.org. All times should be in Miami time AKA EST + ~15 minutes. No bullying Ryan Prior please.6 Servers

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13 Sep 2020
@lm8:matrix.orglm8Someone posted about this in a filk singing group: http://llcon.sourceforge.net/ It's FLOSS and can handle around 100 concurrent musicians (or speakers) all at once.16:17:09
@ephem:matrix.orgephemawesome, thanks lm818:33:33
16 Sep 2020
@sherwino:matrix.orgsherwino joined the room.21:41:38
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart invited @raghavgururajan:mozilla.orgraghavgururajan.21:43:03
@raghavgururajan:mozilla.orgraghavgururajan joined the room.21:44:56
@raghavgururajan:mozilla.orgraghavgururajan jgart: That was fast. How did you find me at mozilla.org server? I was just logged in and and saw your invite xD 21:51:06
@sherwino:matrix.orgsherwinoHey everybody21:57:43
@sherwino:matrix.orgsherwinoI see we joined at the same time, didn't know Mozilla had a server21:58:25
@sherwino:matrix.orgsherwinoCame in to ask, are you guys doing anything for softwarefreedomday.org ?22:01:11
@sherwino:matrix.orgsherwino * Came in to ask, is the LibreMiami crew doing anything for softwarefreedomday.org ?22:04:28
@lm8:matrix.orglm8Hi sherwino, I posted some more info on Software Freedom Day on the Open Source Miami slack channel. Thanks for spreading the word about it. Our virtual meeting was September 13th, but many of the groups around the world will be meeting on September 19th. 23:42:58
@lm8:matrix.orglm8Just found out about this from a member of NatickFOSS: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/internet/2020/MiniDebConfOnline2 Looks like it'll be fun.23:43:41
@lm8:matrix.orglm8For anyone who's into JavaScript, they're having a conference on my favorite JavaScript graphing software in October: https://jsxgraph.org/conf/ It does have a FLOSS license.23:46:08
17 Sep 2020
@sherwino:matrix.orgsherwinoOh wow I see that you reached out on both places 😂02:09:34
@sherwino:matrix.orgsherwinoI really appreciate it02:09:40
@sherwino:matrix.orgsherwinoI will join the conference too02:10:22
In reply to @raghavgururajan:mozilla.org
jgart: That was fast. How did you find me at mozilla.org server? I was just logged in and and saw your invite xD
raghavgururajan: hmmm, not sure how that happened. I didn't even know about the mozilla.org server. Is that another matrix instance?
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgartRedacted or Malformed Event03:44:26
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * [https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=oXIE0p5G2G4](Leah Rowe's new channel)03:47:55
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * Leah Rowe's new channel 03:48:20
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * Leah Rowe's new channel (founder of libreboot) 04:05:55

Merzbow Learns Bash

ls -R | aplay
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart *

Merzbow Plays Bash

ls -R | aplay


ls -R | shuf | aplay
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart * https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=-gzBqayDmJ812:07:38
@jgarte:matrix.orgjgart *

Merzbow Plays Shell

ls -R | aplay
In reply to @jgarte:matrix.org
My dog loves this song.

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