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7 Oct 2019
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltranhere's an 8-hour video that goes over a bunch of data structures in case that helps anyone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBSGKlAvoiM04:29:27
Download 19-10-07-01-18-38-030_deco.jpg
@orangeshark:matrix.orgorangesharkmatrix back15:25:21
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethaeveryone go like my linkedin post https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6586990645502595073/16:10:50
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethaalso feel free to connect with me on linkedin16:46:45
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltranYo I like your post, but I think linkedin requires proprietary javascript. I could be wrong though19:23:30
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethawym? like a recapcha?19:23:58
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethai honestly don't remember, i made it so long ago19:24:08
@orangeshark:matrix.orgorangeshark https://stallman.org/linkedin.html 19:24:32
@orangeshark:matrix.orgorangeshark https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.en.html 19:25:05
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltranYo actually if you wanna do a little experiment19:25:45
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltraninstall that extension on firefox, make sure your cache is cleared and let me know if you can use the site like normal19:26:10
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltranthat would be good to know, like sure there might be other reasons to not used linkedin, but the only thing that really matters for the purposes of the group is if the site runs without proprietary javascript19:27:13
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethabig oof, i just tried, i don't think so haha19:30:16
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethait's stalling19:30:28
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethai already did know that the CEO is skeezy19:33:17
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethait's just hard to reject everything like that. i mean, think of stuff like amazon.. jeff bezos is one of the WORST fucking billionaires in the entire country, could literally solve homelessness and hunger multiple times around, yet ~amazon prime is so convenient hehe :+)~19:34:34
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethathe saturation of proprietary everything really blows19:35:19
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethaon a lighter note, all of my memes are open source 🤠19:36:12
@orangeshark:matrix.orgorangesharkdo you provide the image file that allows us to modify the memes? 😄19:37:13
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethayeah when i send em in here just download em and edit them to your heart's content19:37:54
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethaand redistribute as you wish19:38:05
@orangeshark:matrix.orgorangeshark https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21184623 21:08:50
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethaoh jeez21:09:31
@orangeshark:matrix.orgorangesharkwhy Service as a Software Substitute is bad21:10:09
In reply to @neshametha:matrix.org
big oof, i just tried, i don't think so haha
dang it, they gotta free up that chiz
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethaikr now i feel big guilty22:14:33

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