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7 Oct 2019
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethai mean i feel guilty usin AWS and junk tho22:14:44
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethaproprietarianism is a disease22:15:13
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethaotra ves: EL PROBLEMA ES EL CAPITALISMO22:15:32
In reply to @neshametha:matrix.org
it's just hard to reject everything like that. i mean, think of stuff like amazon.. jeff bezos is one of the WORST fucking billionaires in the entire country, could literally solve homelessness and hunger multiple times around, yet ~amazon prime is so convenient hehe :+)~
definitely one of the big goals of the group is support, trying to mitigate as much of the inconvenience as possible and building better solutions, and I would say freedom inheretly has more value than convenience, but ultimately it comes down to the individual for what's right for them. it's easy from a position of priviledge to say "yeah just stop using your phone" but I understand that some people need it for work or would feel unsafe in public without one. In those cases it's just about spreading information so people can make informed decisions (not get taken advantage of because they didn't know or understand what they are giving up). Where there are also other social issues at play (sexism, income inequality for example), my hope is to grow the group to a point where we can play a support role to other organizations tackling these intersecting problems.
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshametha yo i agree completely. i'm just talking in general haha 22:26:54
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltranno doubt haha I'm just talking too :p22:27:37
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltrancan you use AWS with the librejs add-on?22:29:15
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltranI'm super curious22:29:25
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethathat is a good question, unfortunately i am not at a computer22:30:12
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltran's all good22:30:41
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshametha yo what kinda music y'all into btw. i know erik doesn't like any 22:31:31
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethacompletely off topic but ADHD made me ask22:31:38
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshametha hh erik i don't mean to dunk on u 22:32:10
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltranERIK DOESN'T LIKE MUSIC22:32:12
@orangeshark:matrix.orgorangesharkit is okay lol22:32:23
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltrantoo late nat, you dunked shark22:32:41
@orangeshark:matrix.orgorangesharkthere is many free software stuff to access AWS stuff without having to be on the website22:32:55
@orangeshark:matrix.orgorangesharkpretty much used for all the automated deployment systems22:33:32
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltrancould you link a few, I feel like I could flesh out some kind of resource for that22:34:00
@robertobeltran:matrix.orgrobertobeltraneveryone is using aws22:34:07
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethathat would be lit22:34:20
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethais the wiki where we can keep all this stuff or should i ...22:34:34
@neshametha:matrix.orgneshamethaMAKE A WEBSITE22:34:43

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