
SchildiChat Android

763 Members
Discussion about SchildiChat for Android | FAQ: https://schildi.chat/android/faq/ | Bugs: https://github.com/SchildiChat/SchildiChat-android/issues | Translations: https://translate.schildi.chat/projects/schildichat/schildichat-android/217 Servers

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14 Apr 2024
In reply to @niebloomj:matrix.frum.finance
So the end goal is to remove the setting and fix buggy unread behavior? 
* No, the setting will remain, since people may still prefer setting the unread marker line and read receipts. Users will be able to chose, just like it was for Old.
@spiritcroc:spiritcroc.deSpiritCroc * No, the setting will remain, since people may still prefer setting the unread marker line and read receipts. Users will be able to chose, just like it was for old SchildiChat. The setting makes most sense when you have open-at-unread enabled actually, which is not possible right now. 18:52:41
@kvhskiud:matrix.org@kvhskiud:matrix.org joined the room.19:07:39
@kvhskiud:matrix.org@kvhskiud:matrix.org left the room.19:08:25
15 Apr 2024
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her] changed their display name from cadence [they] to mario sports mix [she/her].08:45:03
@kjev:4d2.orgKefi Iris (She/They) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 💖💜💙 changed their display name from Kefi (She/They) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 💖💜💙 to Kefi Iris (She/They) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 💖💜💙.13:41:52
@victorboy:matrix.orgThe Puppet joined the room.16:51:10
@mmxxx:matrix.orgmmxxx joined the room.18:41:59
@mmxxx:matrix.orgmmxxxhello, how do I get schildichat next to be able to send files and copied text from other apps?18:42:36
@mmxxx:matrix.orgmmxxxI was able to do it with schildichat and damn near every other app without tinkering with anything18:42:58
16 Apr 2024
@fillipy:matrix.orgFillipy Godoi joined the room.02:53:59
@thompson_plug:matrix.org@thompson_plug:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:51:54
17 Apr 2024
@jacksonchen666:jacksonchen666.comjacksonchen666 (they/it/he) SpiritCroc: ^ 00:01:17
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her] banned @thompson_plug:matrix.org@thompson_plug:matrix.org (spam).00:13:30
@astrotee:matrix.orgastrotee joined the room.11:04:38
@k18ldp:matrix.orgk18ldp joined the room.13:52:12
@eraserbat:envs.neteraserbat joined the room.14:23:51
@niebloomj:matrix.frum.financenieb Just updated to the new version that just went out to your private channel and the room filter buttons stopped working.  21:07:42
In reply to @niebloomj:matrix.frum.finance
Just updated to the new version that just went out to your private channel and the room filter buttons stopped working. 
So when I click unread at the top it doesn't work, but the unread pseudo space does work. 
18 Apr 2024
@spiritcroc:spiritcroc.deSpiritCrocHm I see, fixing06:36:19
@domk9:matrix.gridp7.deNettes Paar (🇩🇪♂️) (🇹🇷♀️)🐕‍🦺♂️ changed their display name from Nettes Paar 🇩🇪🇹🇷🐕‍🦺♂️ to Nettes Paar (🇩🇪♂️)- (🇹🇷♀️)🐕‍🦺♂️.13:57:44
@domk9:matrix.gridp7.deNettes Paar (🇩🇪♂️) (🇹🇷♀️)🐕‍🦺♂️ changed their display name from Nettes Paar (🇩🇪♂️)- (🇹🇷♀️)🐕‍🦺♂️ to Nettes Paar (🇩🇪♂️) (🇹🇷♀️)🐕‍🦺♂️.13:58:10
@mrsommelier:matrix.org@mrsommelier:matrix.org left the room.20:06:53
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her] Hi all, I have added some custom emojis to a room and enabled them in account. The emojis show up just fine for me when typing : - it shows the names and the images of each - but I invited my friend who can only see the names and the images are broken in the popup list. This happens on both Android and Web. Can we fix it? 21:17:31
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her]Screenshot_20240419-091751_SchildiChat_1.png
Download Screenshot_20240419-091751_SchildiChat_1.png
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her]^ they can't see the images circled in red on schildi web or android21:18:53
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her]Could it be caused by them being on a different homeserver?21:19:07
@kjah:matrix.orgKile Kidd joined the room.22:40:33
19 Apr 2024
In reply to @cadence:cadence.moe
Could it be caused by them being on a different homeserver?
That initially sounds like a server/federation issue 🤔
Another idea, how did you add the images to a room? If you used devtools, you probably need to take care that you don't add any encryped images (at least for sending inline images, not sure if encryped stickers would work when including the encryption infos from the message in the room data)
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her]I used devtools to add them to a room but they definitely aren't encrypted06:39:15

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