
SchildiChat Android

955 Members
Discussion about SchildiChat for Android | FAQ: https://schildi.chat/android/faq/ | Bugs: https://github.com/SchildiChat/SchildiChat-android/issues | Translations: https://translate.schildi.chat/projects/schildichat/schildichat-android/267 Servers

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12 Feb 2025
In reply to @r522:matrix.org

(on schildichat next)
what controls if a chat is highlighted in green or grey? after an update, around half the groupchats I'm in are green, despite me not actually getting a ping in them

i can mute them, but as far as i can see that would mute even mentions

I'd expect grey to be "there were messages that didn't mention you" and green to be used for actual mentions

red: mention
green: other messages that can notify you
grey: things that don't notify, like notices, or messages in muted rooms. Can be hidden in settings if undesirable to show these.
@spiritcroc:spiritcroc.deSpiritCrocThe Rust SDK is bad at counting currently though, so the actual numbers are unreliable right now unfortunately19:42:54
Download 1000168329.png
@r522:matrix.org522 hmm
so that should have been made red (and sorted to the top?)
In reply to @r522:matrix.org
so that should have been made red (and sorted to the top?)
Hm, should I guess. Unless your push rules are set up differently then usual I assume.
Or unless you have disabled the client-generated unread count setting, in which case it depends on your server (and is broken on synapse for sure).
13 Feb 2025
@willplay:matrix.orgwillplay joined the room.00:38:49
@willplay:matrix.orgwillplay left the room.00:43:11
In reply to @seppiola:seppia.net
are unifiedpush issues supposed to be resolved in latest element-x and the relative fixes present in schildi next 7.6? i'm still having truoble with netxpush
apparently there was something broken in nextpush app, it wasn't accepting new registrations. had to completely reset the app to get it to work.
@bmvod:matrix.orgBmvod X5 e53 joined the room.22:09:42
14 Feb 2025
@meox_:nitro.chatmeox_ [she/her] {learning rust} changed their display name from meox_ [she/her] {wireshark testing} to meox_ [she/her] {learning rust}.04:59:33
@jaehaerys:cat.casaInactive changed their display name from 𝓙𝓪𝓮𝓱𝓪𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓼 to Inactive.17:42:55
@jaehaerys:cat.casaInactive changed their profile picture.17:43:37
@joeylane2010skate:matrix.org@joeylane2010skate:matrix.org left the room.21:20:40
@googlyeyer:matrix.orggooglyeyer joined the room.21:50:29
@googlyeyer:matrix.orggooglyeyer left the room.21:50:50
15 Feb 2025
@johnmunch7171:matrix.orgjohnmunch7171 joined the room.02:47:22
@johnmunch7171:matrix.orgjohnmunch7171 left the room.02:48:11
@felixng198:private.coffee南山少帅Felix 🇨🇭 changed their display name from 南山少帅Felix to 南山少帅Felix 🇨🇭.21:55:41
16 Feb 2025
@kim:sosnowkadub.deHarHarLinksSchildinext for some reason has a left padding on image descriptions compared to upstream06:42:28
@kim:sosnowkadub.deHarHarLinkscute 3D printed frog and an fsfe sticker
Download cute 3D printed frog and an fsfe sticker
In reply to @kim:sosnowkadub.de
Schildinext for some reason has a left padding on image descriptions compared to upstream
With SC timeline layout enabled or off?
In reply to @kim:sosnowkadub.de
sent an image.
Looks the same on upstream and Next for me
@kim:sosnowkadub.deHarHarLinksCan you send one?08:24:45
In reply to @spiritcroc:spiritcroc.de
With SC timeline layout enabled or off?
@kim:sosnowkadub.deHarHarLinks * 08:25:29
In reply to @kim:sosnowkadub.de
Then it's upstream behavior, can you try with it on? On upstream behavior it seems to happen with some images only
In reply to @kim:sosnowkadub.de
Can you send one? It's not happening in that one I sent, but I see it in received ones
You can try with this one, which is broken with upstream behavior for me: https://matrix.to/#/!bfebJVBOZMnORmkVdO:matrix.org/$aauJzXc-etQCag41K70I3Aw62uOkm4jhDe27jnPtDcI?via=schildi.chat&via=matrix.org&via=envs.net
In reply to @spiritcroc:spiritcroc.de
Then it's upstream behavior, can you try with it on? On upstream behavior it seems to happen with some images only
Works with schildi layout
@spiritcroc:spiritcroc.deSpiritCrocInterestingly, it's indeed not broken on EleX though 🤔 Guess I need to apply my fix to upstream layout too, though I wonder why08:34:02
In reply to @spiritcroc:spiritcroc.de
You can try with this one, which is broken with upstream behavior for me: https://matrix.to/#/!bfebJVBOZMnORmkVdO:matrix.org/$aauJzXc-etQCag41K70I3Aw62uOkm4jhDe27jnPtDcI?via=schildi.chat&via=matrix.org&via=envs.net
Yes, that

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