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25 Aug 2019
@vaibradabsur4:matrix.org@vaibradabsur4:matrix.org joined the room.07:51:40
@vaibradabsur4:matrix.org@vaibradabsur4:matrix.org left the room.07:51:47
30 Dec 2019
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.org joined the room.18:50:36
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgHi all, This is Robin from Bangladesh18:51:02
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgI found this group from a article about Estonian business . I am an E-resident of Estonia with a LTD company, and I am interested both in import/export, specially I want to make an online clothes brand there. I have experience in textile18:52:09
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgI would be happy, if anyone have guideline and suggestion about it. I am also interested about other EU countries18:52:55
@johanna_switzerland:matrix.orgJohanna_Switzerlandhakarobin: hi. Where do you live right now?19:00:26
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgHi Johanna, I am in my home country Bangladesh now, but before I was in UK19:01:01
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.org set a profile picture.19:08:14
@johanna_switzerland:matrix.orgJohanna_Switzerlandhakarobin: alright. So you want to create a brand in Bangladesh and export in various countries. Is that correct?19:11:42
@johanna_switzerland:matrix.orgJohanna_Switzerlandhakarobin: we have nodes in France. That’s a big market for clothing.19:16:58
@johanna_switzerland:matrix.orgJohanna_Switzerlandhakarobin: we also have nodes in Nigeria, another huge market for clothing.19:21:31
31 Dec 2019
In reply to @johanna_switzerland:matrix.org
hakarobin: alright. So you want to create a brand in Bangladesh and export in various countries. Is that correct?
Actually I want to create the brand n Europe. Make the products in my country, as you might know, its possible make best quality in cheap price here. Im mostly interested in organic textile.
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgAnyone from Estonia here?11:37:59
@johanna_switzerland:matrix.orgJohanna_Switzerlandhakarobin: yes we have someone in Estonia. She’s not available right now. What is your incorporation number in Estonia, for your OÜ company?12:47:55
@johanna_switzerland:matrix.orgJohanna_Switzerlandhakarobin: do you already have a marketing plan for the countries you want to export to? It has to start with a marketing plan, otherwise you are flying blind and people working on your project don’t understand what the big plan is.12:49:30
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgHI, my registration code is 1430414612:51:15
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgActually I want to start by simple, as my budjet is low and already I had to spend money, for the company12:51:43
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgthe company is more than 1 and half years old, and already got some bank transition, Initially I want to sell T-shirt online , so looking for a business partner base in Estonia12:53:01
@johanna_switzerland:matrix.orgJohanna_Switzerlandhakarobin: so your Estonian OU company is the headquarters in Europe, to deal with invoicing and marketing. You would produce in Bangladesh, then ship to local representatives in European countries. They would manage local advertising, find points of sales (retail shops), manage stock, develop a network of agents if need be and so on. Ubinodes can do all of that for you, including dealing with customs clearance.12:53:08
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgYes, almost right, but initially I want to start only online with low quantity, base of feedback and sales, I want to increase, as the competition is high12:54:19
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgI need someone , who can store the products and ship it, when the order comes online12:54:49
In reply to @hakarobin:matrix.org
I need someone , who can store the products and ship it, when the order comes online
We can do that. We still need a marketing plan, to make sure we’ve covered the pros and cons of the markets, the strategy, tactics, costs etc. A marketing plan to see T-shirts online in Europe, while they are produced in Bangladesh, a stock is in Europe. Which is the first country you would like to target?
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgInitially Estonia, as my company is there, I know , its possible to sell other Eu country, but there is probably tax issue12:59:20
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgWhich I need to know clearly, I mean the process12:59:36
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgI got interested person in Latvia and Poland, who are my friend12:59:59
@hakarobin:matrix.org@hakarobin:matrix.orgBTW, may I know about you Johanna. Do you got linkedin?13:01:17
In reply to @hakarobin:matrix.org
Initially Estonia, as my company is there, I know , its possible to sell other Eu country, but there is probably tax issue
Tax isn’t a problem as VAT is handled across all European countries. So your OU company (SDG capital) would collect VAT in the country where the goods are sold, NOT Estonia. Then the VAT collected is sent to that country, through European agreements, but that’s transparent for you, this is handled at the country’s level. Customs clearance is done at the sea port when your goods arrive, again, this will be handled by a Ubinodes consultant.
In reply to @hakarobin:matrix.org
I got interested person in Latvia and Poland, who are my friend
You need a marketing plan to make such decisions. Is it wise to try to sell in countries like Latvia and Poland versus France or Germany? What is the price tag (retail) for your products to be sold at a high enough volume so that your shipping costs are bearable and you factory is running full steam? Only a marketing plan can answer these questions. We can do it for you, we will ask you questions, put together an entry strategy, do the local online shop, in the local language and so on.

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