

1500 Members
https://discuss.techlore.tech/t/matrix-community-closure/20048 Servers

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22 May 2024
@quantumwhisper:matrix.orgquantumwhisper joined the room.20:44:05
@staaa888:matrix.orgGomes Stanley joined the room.23:57:26
23 May 2024
@snkl:matrix.orgYoung-PussyBreaker joined the room.07:40:19
24 May 2024
@staaa888:matrix.orgGomes Stanley left the room.02:07:50
25 May 2024
@mur1chan:sakura.pmmur1chan joined the room.09:58:25
@mur1chan:sakura.pmmur1chan left the room.14:08:30
27 May 2024
@leleco:matrix.orgking Star joined the room.00:16:27
@leleco:matrix.orgking Star left the room.00:16:41
28 May 2024
@gobarre:matrix.orggodeye left the room.09:25:34
1 Jun 2024
@rgabriel:matrix.mit.eduGabriel R. joined the room.23:51:58
11 Jun 2024
@thompson_plug:matrix.orgthompson_plug left the room.16:47:29
14 Jun 2024
@snkl:matrix.orgYoung-PussyBreaker left the room.13:15:24
18 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose joined the room.13:54:04
19 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from memefi to war.05:23:55
20 Jun 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 joined the room.11:24:36
22 Jun 2024
@shadowwwind:matrix.orgshadowwwind joined the room.16:18:09
@shadowwwind:matrix.orgshadowwwind left the room.16:18:54
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.orgtommyzjones_20 joined the room.19:03:24
23 Jun 2024
@mosachul:matrix.orgmosachul joined the room.18:58:58
25 Jun 2024
@xmalcolmjonesx:matrix.orgMalc left the room.05:53:10
30 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from war to Wild rose.21:46:46
1 Jul 2024
@mosachul:matrix.orgmosachul left the room.03:57:53
3 Jul 2024
@lawenforc99:matrix.orglawenforc99 joined the room.05:38:21
11 Jul 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 to cocam123 (Old).08:26:13
14 Jul 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 (Old) to cocam123.22:32:50
22 Jul 2024
@gshitman:matrix.orggshitman joined the room.21:35:12
@gshitman:matrix.orggshitman left the room.22:26:15
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.orgtommyzjones_20 left the room.22:41:20
23 Jul 2024
@moogee832:matrix.orgmoogee832 joined the room.16:59:03
@moogee832:matrix.orgmoogee832 left the room.17:00:05

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