
OpenMW Lua

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13 Jan 2024
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat It's kinda painful 01:57:08
@_discord_217668471473831938:t2bot.ioxaade And then you'd have to do it for containers, and then you'd have to control interacting with containers, and at that point you're writing your own game 😄 01:57:22
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Not really, but it is a lot 01:57:36
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat I can't do it properly until lua can trigger crimes 01:57:47
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Other than that, it's pretty much there 01:58:08
@_discord_217668471473831938:t2bot.ioxaade I'm being facetious, but, yeah, you'd be redoing a lot of the logic. Crimes, Item movement, etc. And hopefully you don't introduce a duplication bug, and so on. 01:58:42
@_discord_217668471473831938:t2bot.ioxaade * I'm being facetious, but, yeah, you'd be redoing a lot of the logic. Crimes, Item movement, Intercepting activation, checking for locked, etc. And hopefully you don't introduce a duplication bug, and so on. 01:59:21
@_discord_217668471473831938:t2bot.ioxaade OOOOOhhhhh, we could make our own unlocking minigame.... You move a pin up and click to hold it, and pins reset if you mess up. I bet everyone would love that. 02:00:48
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat That would be great, you should do it! 02:03:38
@_discord_217668471473831938:t2bot.ioxaade If I didn't spend 12 hours today on reversing lookups for 4 imported fields because all of the exceptions to the exceptions and multiple steps per field, I would have the energy. 02:09:31
@_discord_217668471473831938:t2bot.ioxaade * If I didn't spend 12 hours today on (my actual job) reversing lookups for 4 imported fields because all of the exceptions to the exceptions and multiple steps per field, I would have the energy. 02:10:14
@_discord_217668471473831938:t2bot.ioxaade It would actually be a good introduction to the UI stuff though. Popping up a box, drawing some squares, and then performing the unlock. I can build from there. 02:12:08
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Do it! And if you need help, I'm sure you can find someone skilled in UI to help. I can try to help too. 02:12:52
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat * Do it! And if you need help, I'm sure you can find someone skilled in UI to help here. I can try to help too. 02:13:02
@_discord_217668471473831938:t2bot.ioxaade I mean, I don't have to do the most complex thing. Start simple. 02:13:12
@_discord_217668471473831938:t2bot.ioxaade Worst case scenario, we get a little animation, and I balance the extra added time waiting somehow. 02:14:09
@_discord_337788785582407682:t2bot.ioqlonever changed their profile picture.02:58:44
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat urm (uramer) This doesn't seem right
Lua[Player] for i, x in pairs(input.actions) do print(i) end
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat * urm (uramer) This doesn't seem right
Lua[Player] for i, x in pairs(input.actions) do print(i) end
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Example here errors: https://openmw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/lua-scripting/openmw_input.html##(input).bindAction 05:16:46
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat I think I understand it better 06:00:17
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Activate isn't a valid action though 06:01:28
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat I'd like to have a function that can return false to block jumping, without overriding movement controls entirely 06:02:09
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Also, ActionType isn't documented 06:25:19
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat It's just a number that matches ACTION_TYPE 06:28:15
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacatDownload 2024-01-13_00-51-12.mp406:54:31
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Have you seen my input setting renderer I used for AA? I can try to adapt it for actions/triggers. I am not a big fan of the current setting renderer. I can't tell when it activates, and it activates at weird times. focusLoss isn't very reliable. 06:54:31
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat https://streamable.com/ui9zxu 07:04:38
@_discord_102182125494636544:t2bot.iourm (uramer) Yeah, the one in master is really shit, due to technical reasons. It's a lot better in the Menu MR, and I'll probably do a follow up with more clear UX 08:22:23
@_discord_102182125494636544:t2bot.iourm (uramer) Have you figured out the problem here? 08:23:01

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