
Grinnell Vegans

3 Members
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23 Jan 2020
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonna This is the final thing but do you know if Liam wants to take a leadership role back 01:03:29

Okay I'll respond in order:

  1. Thanks (:

  2. Sweet, and yeah, lets meet up, does sometime Saturday/early Sunday work?.

  3. I'll be there for sure if I'm able to!

  4. Yeah I'm super excited to have that support too

  5. Yeah that sounds like a good plan

  6. IDK if I've ever even talked with Liam, but they're more than welcome to take a leadership role if they want to, especially since Sophie is abroad this semester.

@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/BunnyIt'll also just be nice to catch up with you after break while writing that budget haha01:13:17
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonnaI should be free Saturday before 1 or Sunday before noon !01:16:01
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonnaFor sure c: and we can try to figure out a good date for the movie then too !01:16:36
@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/BunnyI'm free either of those times, you can decide which one.01:17:14
@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/BunnyWhen do you want to have the table, Saturday @ 6:30 again?01:17:29
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonna I’m cool with that 01:18:25
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonna There’s a chance I’m gonna go to the vampire weekend // Bernie Sanders concert in Cedar Rapids with my friends that night 01:18:48
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonna In which case I won’t be able to attend 01:19:01
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonnaBut we’ll see if that actually happens lol01:19:10
@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/Bunnylmao, bernie sanders concert01:19:34
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonna I’m a big fan of this 01:20:27
@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/BunnyMaybe we should meet on the Saturday then, so that we'll have discussed our plans before hand and I can bring your ideas to the table (literally) as well.01:20:47
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonnaSounds güd lmao01:21:22
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonnaDo you wanna discuss over lunch then ? I can guest you in01:21:58
24 Jan 2020
@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/BunnyWe can get a VR Headset from PETA, which I think would be pretty interesting to table with17:31:49
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonna That sounds like hell 17:44:34
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonnaIt might be interesting but should come with a trigger warning lol17:44:48
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonnaDo you think anyone would really want to use it ?17:45:01
@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/BunnyYeah, for sure, it'd need to come with a trigger warning like Dominion will.19:01:27
@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/BunnyIDK, people have curiosity? Yeah maybe not, idk.19:01:45
@swellyelly17:matrix.orgellyonnaMayhaps idk19:55:40
26 Feb 2020
@arne:s4cleuven.be@arne:s4cleuven.be joined the room.12:31:26
7 Jul 2020
@erin897:matrix.org@erin897:matrix.org joined the room.17:54:32
@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/Bunny changed their profile picture.22:03:25
8 Jul 2020
@erin897:matrix.org@erin897:matrix.org left the room.00:45:48
9 Jul 2020
@arne:s4cleuven.be@arne:s4cleuven.be left the room.15:35:04
6 Jul 2023
@BunnyApocalypse:matrix.orgChris/Bunny changed their display name from Chris to Chris/Bunny.18:19:38

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