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23 Jul 2024
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)I'm happy to know there's another OpenID user out there -- we're talking OpenID-2.0, right ?07:30:40
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)mcepl: either your account exist (thus you can use the "forgot password") or your account does not exist, I guess. A "pending confirmation" account must have an expiration time, or that'd be another bug. Does the activation email not tell you what the expiration time is ?07:31:27
@vigoux:matrix.org@vigoux:matrix.org left the room.08:59:14
@fifo_f:matrix.orgfifo_fRedacted or Malformed Event09:17:13
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)it works fine on gitea.com for me10:04:59
@fifo_f:matrix.orgfifo_fnever mind10:05:29
@mcepl:one.ems.hostmceplstrk: http://matej.ceplovi.cz is my OpenID10:33:11
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)good for you :) -- I don't have access to those machines to help debugging12:20:35
@freezlex:matrix.orgFreezlexI would like to upgrade the app.ini file of my gitea instance that I'm running on docker, should I copy paste the sample and adapt it to my need manually or there is any way to update it easily ?12:41:21
24 Jul 2024
@mcepl:one.ems.hostmcepl @strk:matrix.org: as reported on the ticket, I have managed to create a new password through the recovery and now I have a working gitea.com account, although I still stand by my statement that OpenID is broken. 10:46:32
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)freezlex: ansible is an option10:52:43
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)\o/10:52:53
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)mcepl: I would try to fix it if I were you - to me it works good enough10:53:10
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)of course avoiding the password prompts all around would work better (maybe replacing them with an OTP?)10:53:29
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org) there might be already a ticekt about password-less use, I suggest you look for such ticket to start contributing 10:53:50
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)pign me for reviews of your PR10:53:58
@mcepl:one.ems.hostmceplI am really not a Go programmer and I don't have time to learn yet another universe.14:13:45
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)it's actually easy (and fun)15:21:16
@loho69:matrix.org@loho69:matrix.org joined the room.15:57:17
@loho69:matrix.org@loho69:matrix.org left the room.16:06:12
@3bb:heimat-erde.network0x3bb changed their profile picture.21:24:24
25 Jul 2024
@mcepl:one.ems.hostmceplOf course, learning a new programming language is always fun, but I am one of (few) maintainers of thousands of Python packages for openSUSE. A day has only so many hours.09:04:39
@mcepl:one.ems.hostmcepl(and my interest in gitea is related: soon src.opensuse.org could be one of the biggest gitea instances)09:07:29
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)wow, and isn't that a great reason to learn some Go ?12:39:42
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)speaking of which, I've just seen a rust re-implementation of a python tool ( vdirsyncer, recommended! )12:40:02
@strk:matrix.orgstrk (matrix.org)this is to say: it's maybe about time to look past python ?12:40:12
@bumperboat:matrix.orgbumperboat changed their display name from bumperboat (UTC+2) to bumperboat.12:47:22
@freemo:qoto.orgJeffrey Phillips Freeman (He, UTC-4) changed their display name from Jeffrey Phillips Freeman (He, UTC+7) to Jeffrey Phillips Freeman (He, UTC-4).21:08:31
26 Jul 2024
@mcepl:one.ems.hostmceplThat "looking past Python" is my salary you are talking about. 😜 Besides, reports about Python death seem a bit premature.10:47:03

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