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10 Jan 2024
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd which just reminded me of another word from that song.. bugglebag? 07:41:22
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd i believe that was the word. i have no idea what that is 07:41:35
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor it is what you keep your buggles in ofcourse 07:41:53
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd you keep old 80's bands in bags? i've been wondering what happened to men at work 07:42:26
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor you have a better place to store them? 07:42:42
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd that's a valid argument 07:42:53
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd i just expected better treatment for the artists that wrote "Video Killed the Radio Star" 07:43:15
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer I see 07:43:21
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd i had to check and make sure i was correct on that one.. i was
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor hehe 07:44:41
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor now they live in a bag next to the billabong :p 07:44:49
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd now im reading the words to waltzin' matilda.. i forgot how many odd words it actually had 07:45:42
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor you trying to pass the Australian citizen test? 07:46:06
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd "Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong
Under the shade of a Coolibah tree
And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boiled"
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd oh god no, i'll be eaten by a giant spider 07:46:27
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor yeah all reasonable things to do :p 07:46:32
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor wuss :p 07:46:44
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd absolutely 07:47:23
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer We need "How to survive Austrlia 101" guide xD 07:48:19
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd don't get bitten by anything because it's all poisonous 07:48:34
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer * We need "How to survive Australia 101" guide xD 07:48:50
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer True 07:48:54
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor see you understand it :p 07:49:00
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor if you get gud then there is nothing to worry about :p 07:49:17
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd thats what happened to Men at Work.. bit by a woozlewob 07:49:34
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd by a billabong 07:49:44
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd wil i don't think anyone in here is going to know who Men at Work are but you and me lol 07:50:06
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor nah they got promoted and run all the vegimite factories now 07:50:08
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer Nah bro, my mind cannot comprehend these new words 💀 07:50:22
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor they might know the song if they heard it 07:50:23

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