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10 Jan 2024
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd i assumed the mob controlled that 07:50:28
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd australians make up words to try to confuse you while they steal your wallet 07:50:49
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor The mob and the government are not really seperated here :p 07:50:54
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd same here! 07:51:01
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd well.. the old mafia was essentially wiped out 07:51:17
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd now we just have cartels 07:51:25
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd oh did you see Ecuador get taken over by a cartel today? WOW 07:51:50
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer Same here lol 07:51:54
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor sad part is here we have big business or unions (which are not basically the mob) 07:51:54
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor the mob actually have better social policy lol 07:52:06
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd facts 07:52:12
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer True kek 07:52:18
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd darn youtube doesn't have the simpsons clip where they realize how the country was founded 07:53:31
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd and they're all about to steal marge and lisa's purses 07:53:51
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor lol 07:53:58
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer Oh no, they realized they were Bri'ish lol 07:54:34
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd british thief island 07:55:21
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Hey, you guys actually did steal an island though. 07:56:08
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Poor king doesn't have his epic golf course anymore 07:56:23
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxMWtsMVAiC274RXeWIS3pqmGRGCk2hTo_ 08:00:36
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd can't find the thief joke anywhere! 08:01:45
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph last generation to buy one of those 08:19:01
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd already too late for that 08:19:37
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd at least for the young 08:19:47
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Yeah then have to blame younger generations for being lazy :p 08:20:14
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph I'm just gonna hijack someone elses crib when I'm 30 08:20:32
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd it really isn't their fault, but they are also lazy 08:20:56
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd i keep seeing all these videos that old people ruined everything and the proof is they have to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week and have to have roommates.. they're like 23! 08:21:32
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd i mean yeah, the boomers messed the whole system up, but damn! 08:21:46
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph my laziness caused the inflation of speculative housing 😔 08:21:50

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