
Gavin's General

459 Members
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26 Aug 2024
@riamdasilva231:matrix.orgdet changed their display name from Rian DASILVA to det.21:04:26
28 Mar 2021
@gavinok:matrix.orgGavin Freeborn changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".01:27:14
@_discord_781728658766561350:t2bot.io/sbin/init LUKE SMITH IS GETTING BANNED FROM YOUTUBE 07:13:55
@_discord_781728658766561350:t2bot.io/sbin/init https://lukesmith.xyz/deletion 07:14:01
In reply to @_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.io
How would bridging #announcements-📣 work?
By convention and idk if even enforced otherwise now, bots ignore other bots messages to prevent abuse.
So bridging it won't really work, unless you make a bot post on matrix instead, which will then be sent over
In reply to @gavinok:matrix.org
That was supposed to say announcements
You need to give the rooms a link for that
@_discord_751021476110401607:t2bot.ioo_O joined the room.10:48:58
@meomix2600:matrix.org🍀WinstonSmith2600⚡ joined the room.11:51:55
@_discord_375681986477686795:t2bot.ioGNU joined the room.11:57:57
@_discord_299260970205708288:t2bot.iojohngalt2600 joined the room.12:43:29
@meomix2600:matrix.org🍀WinstonSmith2600⚡!matrix help12:46:16
@meomix2600:matrix.org🍀WinstonSmith2600⚡So I'm wondering if the strikes against Luke could be blamed by the little war between Luke/DT/Brodie. Originally I thought it was just a friendly method of increasing the views on all their channels. Was DT or Brodie responsible for it? Or was it a confused and morally devoid viewer?13:03:58
@spryc_:matrix.orgSpryc joined the room.15:09:52
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 joined the room.15:17:56
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 wait you guys are talking about the whole luke smith removed? 15:17:57
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 I just found out about ut 15:18:02
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Nah the strike at for yt-dl vids started a while back 15:18:03
@atomtoast:envs.netAtomToastI've been subscribed to his rss feed for a while now. I just added his peertube feed now aswell15:18:45
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 I don't use rss 15:19:09
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn I feel bad for the guy 15:19:38
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 I could imagine reddit has some good rss feeds since the creator of reddit also created RSS 15:19:49
@atomtoast:envs.netAtomToastthough for some reason the link in that feed only leads to a low res video version with no quality options. So I then have to manually go to his peertube instance anyways to watch it15:20:05
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 the creator, not the current owner 15:20:14
@atomtoast:envs.netAtomToastreddit rss is easy, just append .rss to the url15:20:47
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Reddit has RSS integration if that's what you mean. 15:20:47
@atomtoast:envs.netAtomToastsame with getting the site data with json15:21:04
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz 15:21:27
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 Aaron Swartz is a chad 15:21:58
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc joined the room.15:39:55
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc wait what happened to luke smith? 15:39:55

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