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28 Mar 2021
@atomtoast:envs.netAtomToastsame with getting the site data with json15:21:04
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz 15:21:27
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 Aaron Swartz is a chad 15:21:58
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc joined the room.15:39:55
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc wait what happened to luke smith? 15:39:55
@_discord_749741009302454382:t2bot.ioalloca#4527 https://lukesmith.xyz/deletion 15:40:13
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc oh fuck what? 15:40:21
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Ya kinda disappointing to see 15:40:57
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc fuck yt 15:41:01
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn I get the yt-dl thing but the others are a bit extreme. 15:41:25
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc i hope this stuff continues to happen on yt 15:41:37
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc as bad as that sounds 15:41:39
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc because it might actually force people to use other platforms 15:41:48
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn So we all leave it? 15:41:49
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc yeah 15:41:53
@atomtoast:envs.netAtomToastlets be real, they just try to cancel him15:42:02
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn It at least seem that way 15:42:35
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc its because its probably not advertiser friendly 15:42:37
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc i dont even think its because of cancel culture, it just looks bad for their platform on the front of advertising 15:42:58
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Guess not 15:43:03
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc it all comes down to money really 15:43:08
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc but that also happens to restrict freedom of speech etc 15:43:20
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc youtube isnt even a socially liberal site, its fine with hosting plenty of alt-right channels as long as they bring in the money 15:43:58
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Ya this is the worst of this I have seen. 15:44:17
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Did he say what the other videos are? 15:45:03
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@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc just lists these 15:45:45
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc so dumb 15:45:51
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Oh ya forgot he said that 🥴 15:46:29
@_discord_132185638983303168:t2bot.ioJackojc these arent even his most controversial videos lol 15:46:30

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