Sender | Message | Time |
15 Feb 2022 | || left the room. | 19:18:33 | |
16 Feb 2022 | || | As always, I appreciate your feisty attitude and I think we have similar goals. Nonetheless, I believe concealment and deception are useful tactics in most conflicts of any kind. They are tactics used by winners and losers alike, and your enemies use them too. If you find them distasteful, that's your prerogative. Do you also share all your passwords, let everybody copy your keys, publish transcripts of your candid conversations, or walk around naked everywhere? If you can succeed at your goals without ever concealing anything, go ahead. However, that guy in this case did not succeed. He failed pathetically and is in a cage or something now. No amount of moralization will change that. You're a smart guy. Do you wish to do anything differently from him? | 02:05:07 | | We have a new admirer in here! | 23:21:11 | | You can talk, you know? We're the only people who talk here and, as you can see, we're a bit over the top. Maybe you could level us out a little | 23:22:17 |
18 Feb 2022 | || left the room. | 13:32:58 | |
19 Feb 2022 | || | Who is posting the emojis? I'm using the Syphon app to help circumvent censorship with multiple identities, but it doesn't show this information (and I'm too lazy to extract the data for manual parsing). | 15:21:51 | | I wonder why the Forkfest 2022 chat went down. | 21:05:05 | | Is the cop emoji meant to make us think we have a cop listening in? I wouldn't be surprised and if so I have to ask why do the police never seem to look for crime but instead seem to be constantly looking for political targets they can make into criminals? I always l try to learn something and I suggest the same for everyone because knowledge is power. | 21:19:45 | | In reply to @johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgFBI targets fake political dissidents to gain fame and increase budgets for their job security. | 22:41:38 |
25 Feb 2022 | ||
Giphy changed their profile picture. | 11:15:04 | |
26 Feb 2022 | || joined the room. | 01:53:28 | | left the room. | 01:54:23 | | | It only dawned on me for the first time yesterday that the Articles of Confederation were never dissolved, the Constitution was added, so it all makes perfect sense that there's a United States of America separate from the United States (with the former sometimes also being abbreviated as "United States"). This knowledge apparently makes one a "sovereign citizen" in the eyes of the feds, but there are so many gurus who don't use the term "sovereign citizen" teaching these exact same basic facts about the structure of our government. Their styles and outcomes in the legal system have been diverse: Anna Von Reitz, Paul Andrew Mitchell, Tom Cryer, Christopher Gronski, Lynn Meredith ...there are so many, it's surprising they aren't easier to find. | 14:17:02 | | obviously a lot of provisions in the Articles of Confederation are inactive because future development of "the code" was directed to the new Constitution, but there's no reason to think the provisions creating the "perpetual union" and whatever provisions still satisfied wouldn't be still valid and binding. Life is such a lie really, even some of these sovereign citizen gurus will tell you that the states are sovereign, but one perspective is that actually it's the Articles which limit their sovereignty by prohibiting any interpretation of the Constitution that eliminates either individual state citizens from being nonUS citizens or allows entire states to seceed from the Union. In other words, under the Articles it seems that individuals must be allowed to seceed from the Union (but within the state) while states must NOT be allowed to seceed from the Union at all. It seems the Articles of Confederation united the states in a republic and the Constitution optionally unites the people in a democracy coexistent to that republic. So it is this republic which is called either the "United States of America" or the "United States" and this democracy which is called just the "United States". | 15:14:59 |
27 Feb 2022 | || | In reply to @johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgBecause when nonviolent "crimes" occur, nobody calls the cops | 01:23:11 | | Whoever put the question mark I guess you haven't gone down this particular rabbit hole, but there is more than one "United States" (according to the Supreme Court)... I started investigating this as a way to stop my free speech from being violated and now I can't turn back, if only because I can't in good conscience forget or deny what I have learned. | 15:04:39 | | See book, "The Federal Zone", by Paul Andrew Mitchell (aka Mitchell Paul Modeleski) | 15:10:19 |
28 Feb 2022 | || left the room. | 01:37:34 | | |,%20Mitch%20(a.k.a.%20Paul%20Andrew%20Mitchell) | 14:32:36 | | In reply to @johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgAll the reactions are apparently by this Chloe character who spoke once | 05:00:49 |
2 Mar 2022 | || | AltExpo (Alternatives Exposition) happening during Liberty Forum this Friday and Saturday. There will be a suite for the weekend with talks and discussions too risqué for the mainstream Liberty Forum. Also agorism happening with various wares. Parties in the AltExpo suite Friday and Saturday night, and crash space for out-of-towners that can’t afford a whole hotel room. | 19:37:19 |
28 Feb 2022 | || | Anyway, one thing that is so fascinating and confirms all this research on the "federal zone" is it's basically the same argument the feds use at Guantanamo Bay...that the constitution does not apply on federal property. I actually don't think this should be allowed, but I do think it's good to consider this in the first stage and to get some leverage in court. Liberty for me has always been a means to reforming the government (not the other way around). Most institutions (corrupt as they may be) have important jobs. | 13:56:29 | | Rereading the constitution I guess it does apply in the federal zone, but I see how with the way things are worded certain requirements and prohibitions apply to persons, others to citizens of states, others to citizens of the united states, officers, departments (there are lots of characters)...but only citizens of the United States residing in a State check all the boxes for the list of rights that come to my mind. The United States is a signer of treaties such as the Declaration of Human Rights, though, but that's a whole nother can of worms. | 15:45:21 |
6 Mar 2022 | || joined the room. | 23:08:16 | | left the room. | 23:09:03 | |
18 Mar 2022 | || joined the room. | 23:50:16 | |
19 Mar 2022 | || joined the room. | 00:10:21 | | left the room. | 00:10:36 | |
21 Mar 2022 | || | | 02:01:31 |
22 Mar 2022 | || | Does anyone have advice for finding a lawyer? Sorry I haven't been around, mr penguin's chat rooms have so many more people, but he censors everything to suit himself. I guess I should be more grateful that I have this channel and you guys (chloe and helpmommy). | 16:39:26 |