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30 Jun 2017
@FTL_Ian:matrix.orgIan Freemanyou cannot search for the Monadnock room20:16:14
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppsstill, you don't know who else let someone into the room20:16:44
@FTL_Ian:matrix.orgIan FreemanAlso, you can verify the device IDs at a gathering (we have done this in Keene) but every time a new device gets an install, now you have to deal with the key warning popup again.20:16:47
@FTL_Ian:matrix.orgIan FreemanYes, if they have the room ID, they can presumably get in20:17:07
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppsif you verified their device id irl, then you could trust encrypted communications with them20:17:13
@FTL_Ian:matrix.orgIan Freemancorrection - you can set a room up as invite only20:17:39
@FTL_Ian:matrix.orgIan Freemanbut the Monadnock room isn't that way20:17:45
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppsusers can always confirm a device id from an existing, trusted device20:17:54
@FTL_Ian:matrix.orgIan FreemanIt just gets too complicated with more than a handful of people in a room, IMO20:18:17
@FTL_Ian:matrix.orgIan FreemanWe had a key exchange meetup and still didn't get all the devices done that were in the room.20:18:58
@FTL_Ian:matrix.orgIan FreemanAnd there were only eight of us20:19:07
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppseverything is google and apple's fault20:19:41
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppsthanks government funded corporations20:19:58
@jlogic6:matrix.orgjlogic6if companies didn't play ball with gov't, then it would be a diff story20:20:26
1 Jul 2017
@russellkanning:matrix.orgrussellkanning joined the room.01:36:56
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppstonight i was glad i don't live in illinois again02:33:26
@bobcallme:matrix.bobcall.mebobcallme left the room.03:00:05
@DaveNarby:matrix.orgDaveNarby joined the room.04:31:24
@FTL_Ian:matrix.orgIan Freemanhowdy04:33:17
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppshi DaveNarby04:33:22
@DaveNarby:matrix.orgDaveNarbySo, yet another chat client. Nifty! Shall I commence shitposting?04:34:04
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppsgo for it04:34:12
@DaveNarby:matrix.orgDaveNarbySo, have a couple questions to smoke out leftists. Anybody want to try their luck? XD04:34:54
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppsi'm listening to the chipocalypse atm: http://youarelistening.to/chicago04:35:03
@ben-hopps:matrix.orgben-hoppsso comfy...so glad i left IL04:35:25

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