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Don't break the law. 18+ only. Integrated with porcchat.slack.com #general22 Servers

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19 Mar 2022
@alanakooppeerr:matrix.org@alanakooppeerr:matrix.org left the room.00:10:36
21 Mar 2022
@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm https://twitter.com/TFVM76/status/1505698797426552837?t=1ZcZBmny3LKd4mqlPrsVRQ&s=19 02:01:31
22 Mar 2022
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgDoes anyone have advice for finding a lawyer? Sorry I haven't been around, mr penguin's chat rooms have so many more people, but he censors everything to suit himself. I guess I should be more grateful that I have this channel and you guys (chloe and helpmommy).16:39:26
@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm@chloe:matrix.lrn.fmMany many lawyers. Search google/Apple maps for type of lawyer?20:10:03
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgConversations with other law offices: *"That's not how it works. That's not what they do and we can't help you because they don't do what you said." click *"We don't get involved with law enforcement." click *"We don't sue people because there could be facts we don't know about." click *"I'm not going to help you because it's too much work." click *"Not going to make an engagement contract, but I will do everything you need. *"Require an engagement contract, but will not include everything you need."20:23:50
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org...the ones that say yes are the worst ones, they're the ones who didn't realize they wanted to say no...but if I say anything about that: click20:25:32
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgMeanwhile, while I'm making the calls, a new wifi network popped up, "FBI Surveillance Van #6"20:26:19
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgOh yeah and the type, the police make sure you'll need more than one type of lawyer, but different types of lawyers won't work together as different types of police work together.20:28:48
23 Mar 2022
@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm Search ‘criminal lawyer’ or ‘trial lawyer’. 03:22:38
24 Mar 2022
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgThat's what most of those quotes were, hello? For example, criminal lawyers don't get involved with law enforcement, they get involved with prosecutors. Only recourse in case of law enforcement who punish people without initiating a prosecution is to kill them.16:41:37
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgI called a few more lawyers and lied and said I was guilty. Now they all want to represent "me", because it's not me but if I tell the truth they refuse.16:43:05
@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm Tell us the details of what happened. 17:10:41
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgI did, when you tell a criminal lawyer that police broke the law they say it didn't happen, I quoted word for word: *"That's not how it works. That's not what they do and we can't help you because they don't do what you said." click Or they acknowledge that police are criminals, but claim they can only defend against prosecutors, quoted word for word: *"We don't get involved with law enforcement." click Or they blow off the possibility entirely: *"We don't sue people because there could be facts we don't know about." click 17:18:41
@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm@chloe:matrix.lrn.fmTell us what happened during the incident, not your interactions with lawyers.20:51:19
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgWhat incident are you talking about? Anyway now my bank is refusing to accept my written instructions to pay my lawyer. They are also disobeying a court order as are several police departments... ...at what point does one simply stuff a gun down the throat of the lawless criminals? As far as I'm concerned a court order is the last straw, obey it or die.21:06:25
25 Mar 2022
@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm@chloe:matrix.lrn.fmNone of us can help you. You aren’t making any sense. I suspect you may have schizophrenia or a thinking disorder. That is a more fundamental problem then your lawyers. You should focus your priority on seeing a psychiatrist or obtaining medicine (risperidone) and try the medicine for a week or two. That will clear up your thinking and perceptions.03:51:26
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgWow. The incredible disconnect from reality that you, a person on the other side of a text screen. Thinks he has any idea what's going on where I am located.15:23:15
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgThere is no hope. Killing is obviously the only answer when everyone has let go of reality as you have here. Consider it, a world filled with people like you and that think like you isn't a world worth having is it? I mean look at what you just said...an accusation like the one you just made could get a person incarcerated and if you ever said such a thing to my face I would kill you in a heartbeat. Do make note of that and consider again whether it's worth your life trying to explain away violations of law and due due process. 15:27:53
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.orgThis is what the second amendment is for, for people like me to defend themselves from people like you you sick sick fuck.15:28:38
@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org@johnorjanedoe:matrix.org left the room.15:30:03
@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm Does anyone understand him? Schizos rarely like being told their issue. I just don’t have time for nutters and cut to the chase. “Any idea what’s going on where I’m located”. WTF? I asked specifically what the incident was that triggered his issue and he basically refused to answer and gave nonsense stories about lawyers. Schizos are rarely violent. More likely to be violated. Fed suspected. Likely another fed around to observe reactions. 16:11:43
26 Mar 2022
@helpmyself:halogen.city@helpmyself:halogen.city I've talked to him now and then for months, and I don't think he's either a schizo or a fed, but then again I am the most likely candidate for second fed lol 04:22:04
@helpmyself:halogen.city@helpmyself:halogen.cityWe are the only people that almost ever talked here, so that would be a waste of feds, but I guess that is the kinda time wasting behavior I might expect from government workers04:23:15
@helpmyself:halogen.city@helpmyself:halogen.cityHe is a poor communicator and a guy who has weird problems with police that he is never clear about actually04:23:52
@helpmyself:halogen.city@helpmyself:halogen.cityI can't rule out schizophrenia. It is common for them to have one recurring villain like that they think is always messing with them04:25:27
@helpmyself:halogen.city@helpmyself:halogen.city But he never clarified or said anything totally outrageous, and I have strong biases against police, so I always assumed he had valid grievances and was just a poor communicator with a bad attitude -- unfortunately a profile that is prone to violence, unlike the psychotic 04:27:56
@helpmyself:halogen.city@helpmyself:halogen.cityMaybe I'm a jerk or something, but if some crazy asshole takes out some cops and then gets killed in turn, I say that's a win-win04:31:22
@chloe:matrix.lrn.fm@chloe:matrix.lrn.fmIs this room dead?13:21:46
In reply to @chloe:matrix.lrn.fm
Is this room dead?
Basically, yes.
@helpmyself:halogen.city@helpmyself:halogen.cityThere was this one other guy who was here for a bit who was funny, but not too diplomatic. jdoe said something positive about billionaires and it triggered this guy, so he made fun of jdoe for wanting to suck Elon Musk's cock or something.22:56:43

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