
Gavin's Programming

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15 Nov 2023
@_discord_375716723984171012:t2bot.ioivvil joined the room.15:39:56
2 Dec 2023
@_discord_245642183191953408:t2bot.ioisidorispiritum changed their profile picture.19:16:36
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd changed their profile picture.19:17:23
5 Dec 2023
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd changed their profile picture.23:04:54
7 Dec 2023
@_discord_140597609474555904:t2bot.iogorillanuts changed their display name from Gorillanuts to gorillanuts.11:31:58
@sasanidas:matrix.org@sasanidas:matrix.org left the room.15:17:47
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:10:29
16 Dec 2023
@_discord_330808650253860865:t2bot.io.gohary joined the room.17:24:43
@_discord_992086463393050686:t2bot.iotrueauracoral changed their profile picture.22:26:19
17 Dec 2023
@_discord_1179391947484438612:t2bot.ionajjt_38032 joined the room.19:44:45
@_discord_703216041802596363:t2bot.ionajjt joined the room.19:51:27
@_discord_588724213553037329:t2bot.ioalloca123 joined the room.20:41:31
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph lately I've been trying Odin (decided to pick it up for AOC but haven't done much tbh)
I kinda like it, it's like a weird mix of Zig and Go to me
technically it started as a pascal like language that slowly converged into C with the same inspirations as Go, so I guess that's why
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph it's funny how it has some contrarian takes tho
It's statements based, it hates package management (giving u an in language way when possible to handle dependencies)
it hates namespaces (basically back to monke with C prefixes when u care about that and a package system like Go)
it hates error types so it just lets u send errors as whatever types u feel like it
it adopted ^ as the pointer so ^T a pointer type and T^ is a pointer dereference
it also adopted a different syntax for generics a bit similar to how zig does it but the parameters have the same syntax as rust macros
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph ---
I wrote this trying to link to see to see how easy it would be compared to Zig
package main

import "core:c"
foreign import ncurses "system:ncurses"

Window :: struct {}

foreign ncurses {
    stdscr: ^Window
    initscr :: proc() -> ^Window ---
    wclear :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---
    wgetch :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---

main :: proc() {

    for true {
        c := wgetch(stdscr);
        if c == 'q' {
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph * I wrote this trying to link to see to see how easy it would be compared to Zig
package main

import "core:c"
foreign import ncurses "system:ncurses"

Window :: struct {}

foreign ncurses {
    stdscr: ^Window
    initscr :: proc() -> ^Window ---
    wclear :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---
    wgetch :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---

main :: proc() {

    for true {
        c := wgetch(stdscr);
        if c == 'q' {
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph * I wrote this trying to link to C to see how easy it would be compared to Zig
package main

import "core:c"
foreign import ncurses "system:ncurses"

Window :: struct {}

foreign ncurses {
    stdscr: ^Window
    initscr :: proc() -> ^Window ---
    wclear :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---
    wgetch :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---

main :: proc() {

    for true {
        c := wgetch(stdscr);
        if c == 'q' {
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph * I wrote this trying to link to C to see how easy it would be compared to Zig
// compiled with: odin run src
package main

import "core:c"
foreign import ncurses "system:ncurses"

Window :: struct {}

foreign ncurses {
    stdscr: ^Window
    initscr :: proc() -> ^Window ---
    wclear :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---
    wgetch :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---

main :: proc() {

    for true {
        c := wgetch(stdscr);
        if c == 'q' {
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph * I wrote this trying to link to C to see how easy it would be compared to Zig
// compiled with: odin run src
package main

import "core:c"
foreign import ncurses "system:ncurses"

Window :: struct {}

foreign ncurses {
    stdscr: ^Window
    initscr :: proc() -> ^Window ---
    wclear :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---
    wgetch :: proc(win: ^Window) -> c.int ---

main :: proc() {

    for true {
        c := wgetch(stdscr);
        if c == 'q' {

// compiled with: zig run src/main.zig -lc -lncurses
const std = @import("std");
const ncurses = @cImport(@cInclude("ncurses.h"));

pub fn main() !void {
    _ = ncurses.initscr();
    _ = ncurses.clear();

    while (true) {
        const c = ncurses.getch();
        if (c == 'q') break;
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph u just sent a private video 21:38:28
@_discord_992086463393050686:t2bot.iotrueauracoral It used to be a banger video of this muslim guy making a remix about hummus 23:14:11
@_discord_992086463393050686:t2bot.iotrueauracoral https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhGi2T7J8So best I could find. What I sent was the music video 23:16:57
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd you, uh, wanna see some videos from that region, bud? 23:18:43
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd shhhhhhhh 23:18:47
@_discord_992086463393050686:t2bot.iotrueauracoral nah I am good. my grandma is in isreal 23:19:08
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd ew 23:19:12
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph I've seen that guy around a few times yeah 23:28:48
19 Dec 2023
@_discord_588724213553037329:t2bot.ioalloca123 damn that girl is fine 00:27:08
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd BWAHAHAHAHAHA 00:31:17
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Vegimite shop would be more impressive 02:59:39

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