
Gavin's Programming

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20 Dec 2023
@_discord_515313851693137921:t2bot.iogalacticcolourisation the amount of languages and people that go "uh, actually, why are we doing error types again? also like what's wrong with null, it was super fun lolz" 21:47:56
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph oh I see 21:49:05
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph yeah there's way too many languages, but most of the popular ones I'd like to see dead ngl 21:49:32
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph I don't have an opinion on null and error types, I'm a Cnile, I think languages that do have them are nicer tho 21:49:55
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph the new languages keeping them seem to be targeting Cniles with by being just a little safer and nicer 21:50:36
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph * I don't have an opinion on null safety and error types, I'm a Cnile, I think languages that do have them are nicer tho 21:51:03
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph * the new languages doing null and no error types them seem to be targeting Cniles with by being just a little safer and nicer 21:51:21
21 Dec 2023
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Yeah javascript loves null so much it added 2.... 02:15:53
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Easy to spot 😭 If only 17:23:49
25 Dec 2023
@_discord_291090390520430602:t2bot.iomnipritom joined the room.21:12:46
26 Dec 2023
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qljpi5jiMQ 10:35:17
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Really good video on whats wrong 10:35:44
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/discussions/3806#discussioncomment-6686976 15:20:23
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph I'm using it right now
I've been reading helix --tutor and some of the changes are quite nice
it's basically vim bindings but swapped and you have to select before every action, the selection stuff is quite nice
you also have support for multicursors
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph I'm using it cause there's very little configuration that you need to do and I can't be bothered to figure out what's going on with Zig and Odin's LSP not working on nvim 15:30:04
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer Classic 17:46:42
@_discord_948603550362112053:t2bot.iothefossenjoyer I see, sounds good 17:46:54
27 Dec 2023
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd saw that, too 00:21:32
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn I started this thinking "it works fine for me" just to resonate with most of the problems he mentions in part 6 and 7 01:43:05
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Ya just use JS 😉 01:44:15
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Jokes aside I don't think it's gonna make much difference as far as adoption considering extensibility isn't the reason most of its users are there 01:47:00
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd why are they there? 02:05:05
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Multiple other reasons. Could be that they like the editing model, it's simpler for them to get the setup they want than with vim/neovim, like rust, or some other reason I am unfamiliar with 02:14:30
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn * Multiple other reasons. Could be that they like the editing model, it's simpler for them to get the setup they want than with vim/neovim, like rust, or some other reason 02:14:41
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Obviously it's not just one thing for most. 02:15:51
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Most developers i find have an editor picked for them 02:24:22
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Still a heap of people using notepad++ for stuff because it is there 02:24:48
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Vscode is usually in developer onboarding docs 02:25:11
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd yep, way too often. do you think i ever used dreamweaver because it was a quality product? 02:26:37
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Lol was better than frontpage thoigh 02:27:08

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