
Gavin's Programming

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27 Dec 2023
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd yeah he's generally intelligent and informed though 03:44:14
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd generally 03:44:17
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn It's basically just a component lib/tool kinda like primefaces as far as I know 03:46:10
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Just focused around not being a package and instead copy pasting code 🤣 03:46:57
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Conceptually very funny but I assume there is more to it 03:47:24
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn
This is NOT a component library. It's a collection of re-usable components that you can copy and paste into your apps.
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd i just found it weird he started the video saying it's taking over and i don't know what it is lol 03:48:06
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd a library is not a library, it's a collection of books in a centralized location for you to access 03:48:46
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd well i suppose copy and paste is different 03:49:03
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd but still sounds odd 03:49:12
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn This is not a library because every book you buy here will be out dated and replaced the moment you check it out 03:50:07
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn * This is not a library because every book you get here will be out dated and replaced the moment you check it out 03:50:21
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn You can just keep it and update the pages on your own 03:50:50
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn doctorcringephd maybe this is a little closer 03:51:08
@_discord_780550926964228136:t2bot.iodoctorcringephd ah so it's useless, i get it 03:53:30
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn Scratch that it's just like Mui but only supporting react but you. Copy paste every component you want into your codebase 03:56:12
@lord_meeseeks:matrix.orgdoc c joined the room.08:49:57
@lord_meeseeks:matrix.orgdoc c joined the room.08:50:10
@lord_meeseeks:matrix.orgdoc c left the room.08:54:49
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn doctorcringephd what do you actually write for work? My head cannon is that you write mostly plain css, and html but I assume that isn't true 17:53:58
@_discord_588724213553037329:t2bot.ioalloca123 getting hired just to write plain css and html sounds great 18:16:00
@_discord_442893391773171733:t2bot.iosonny_crockett. joined the room.19:17:12
@_discord_442893391773171733:t2bot.iosonny_crockett. Hey Emacs users, I was wondering what snippet package or library you guys use together with Corfu? 19:18:45
@_discord_442893391773171733:t2bot.iosonny_crockett. changed their display name from sonny_crockett to sonny_crockett..19:18:45
@_discord_461980943729688616:t2bot.ioGavin Freeborn I've used both https://github.com/minad/tempel and https://github.com/joaotavora/yasnippet 19:37:37
@_discord_442893391773171733:t2bot.iosonny_crockett. Thanks Gavin. I will have a look 👍 19:43:37
@_discord_588724213553037329:t2bot.ioalloca123 i'd write html over PHP any day 20:43:21
@_discord_679283565996933142:t2bot.ioRaph never done PHP for longer than 10 minutes so I can't opine 20:44:07
@_discord_1180276523962486866:t2bot.iomiso_soup874 joined the room.20:48:51
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_309953093380866049:t2bot.iowiltaylor Sounds good in theory but means you have to deal with crappy cms systems for the most part which are usually written in php. 00:26:51

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