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31 May 2021
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: i don’t know, appservice or whatever 17:44:41
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechuto verify the integration17:44:49
@liskin:matrix.orgliskinyeah the matrix bot should ask you for confirmation17:44:59
@liskin:matrix.orgliskinif you selected yourself as the op to verify17:45:15
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: it seems no bot is trying to talk to me 17:45:46
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechui selected myself, yes17:45:53
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechumaybe it doesn’t work if you try to do so from matrix?17:46:04
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechui could try to do it from irc using my different account17:46:40
@liskin:matrix.orgliskinoh, you joined the channel through the matrix portal room?17:46:54
@liskin:matrix.orgliskinI have no idea if it should work then17:47:03
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: yeah, using #libera:libera.chat 17:47:16
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechuokay, i’ll try to give op to my other account and do it from vanilla irc17:47:48
@liskin:matrix.orgliskinwhen you say #libera:libera.chat do you mean #xmonad:libera.chat?17:48:18
@liskin:matrix.orgliskincause #libera is #libera17:48:23
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: sorry, i meant #xmonad:libera.chat 17:49:20
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: it seems i don’t have enough permissions to give op to others. could you please op wenzel? 17:49:46
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechuat least i couldn’t change permissions from matrix side17:50:30
@appservice:libera.chatappservice 17:51:31
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: well, it seems to be working, at least one side, it might take some time to synchronize members list 17:53:31
@liskin:matrix.orgliskinlet's give it some time then :-)17:55:28
@liskin:matrix.orgliskinThe onesidedness is concerning, though. Haven't seen that when I tested on #haskell-cs. :-/17:56:00
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: i remember from latest matrix live they are mentioned something about intentionally dropping messages while synchronizing or something 17:57:02
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechudon’t remember the details though, but there might be something that is related, maybe it will go away after all the members are synchronized17:57:35
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechuit was something about a bug when people who are not supposed to be able to read some messages were actually able to do so. access-related issue17:58:13
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: also i wander how it would work with your nickname. there is your account on irc side with exact same nickname.
when a matrix user is reflected on irc side it gets [m] ending but what’s applied to the other side?
@liskin:matrix.orgliskinOther side being Matrix side? Here I'm as either @liskin:matrix.org or @liskin:libera.chat. That's unique enough.18:00:42
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: also it seems we don’t have users joining from irc side yet. the messages are supposed to be sent from those virtual accounts. since they are not ready yet no messages could be delivered from irc side 18:01:52
@unclechu:matrix.orgunclechu liskin: i mean nicknames, not MXIDs, i don’t remember how matrix handles the conflicting nicknames cases 18:02:16
@liskin:matrix.orgliskinThat's a good explanation. Makes sense. I know next to nothing about Matrix though. If this worked similarly to Slack/Discord bots, then the puppets could be able to send messages without joining.18:03:11

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