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Generate Two-Factor Codes - https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Authenticator7 Servers

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17 Apr 2021
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [World/Authenticator] Bilal Elmoussaoui closed issue Unable to Add New 2FA On Pinephone (#250) 17:28:25
@kop316:matrix.org@kop316:matrix.org changed their display name from kop316 to kop316 (Chris).17:56:02
@kop316:matrix.org@kop316:matrix.org changed their display name from kop316 (Chris) to kop316.17:56:18
20 Apr 2021
@rafaelmardojai:matrix.org@rafaelmardojai:matrix.org joined the room.04:15:34
25 Apr 2021
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.org Hi Bilal Elmoussaoui do you know if it is possible to do these circles? https://cdn1.expertreviews.co.uk/sites/expertreviews/files/7/52/google_authenticator_app_0.png?itok=WcXirniH 13:25:10
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgsomeone made a PR for password safe and I feel that thats the only thing that would not look out of place13:25:30
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal ElmoussaouiIt definitely is 13:28:11
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal ElmoussaouiLast time I draw that with cairo it looked a bit blurry 13:28:42
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal ElmoussaouiSo if we are to draw such thing, we should be careful about that 13:42:33
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgso it has to be drawn manually...13:56:37
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgthere isnt paintables or some new widget for gtk4 (rather than using cairo?)13:57:07
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal ElmoussaouiYou can't draw shapes like that 14:15:27
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal ElmoussaouiYou can only draw rectangles 14:15:36
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal ElmoussaouiThere's some work in progress to have a GskPath so that you can draw custom stuff like a circle 14:16:01
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgbut then how are rounded corners done?14:16:35
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouiat a much lower level of the stack14:19:18
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouino no no14:29:24
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouithere's no mutter involved with gtk14:29:35
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouiat least not in the drawing phase14:29:45
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouiyou can draw rounded corners using GL 14:29:56
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouibut there's no higher level API in gtk for that14:30:09
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouiit's either simple shapes or cairo 14:30:29
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouithere's a WIP thing for providing a higher level api for that i think14:30:48
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouibut really drawing only that with cairo is fine :-)14:40:23
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouithe last time i tried doing that it was in the very very early days of authenticator, probably like 5 years ago or something like that14:40:48
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgI will try that then, I haven used cairo ever14:42:41
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgif not, we could always use a bar...14:42:50

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