

49 Members
Generate Two-Factor Codes - https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Authenticator7 Servers

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17 May 2021
@jsparber:gnome.orgJulian Sparber changed their display name from Julian Sparber (on vacation) to Julian Sparber.07:44:04
19 May 2021
@scoder12github:matrix.orgscoder12github joined the room.00:22:08
@scoder12github:matrix.orgscoder12githubLove the app, can anyone give any guidance on how to set up steam?00:22:43
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgDid you recover your secret for the steam token?08:56:36
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouiwe probably want to point to that guide in our readme i guess?08:57:02
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgUgh, maybe? I dont remember how streamline is, I had to do some hacking to recover the secret if my memory serves me well08:57:34
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgon the steam app side of things08:57:58
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgI will look into it08:58:00
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgThe idea of having 1-2 minute tutorials per app has always intrigued me09:00:13
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orgIt might be a good idea09:00:21
@msandova:gnome.org@msandova:gnome.orglike a quick start09:00:26
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouiwe have a help link 09:00:30
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouifor a lot of apps09:00:36
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouithat opens the "official" guidline of that app/provider 09:00:49
@julianhofer:gnome.orgJulian 🍃Is that easy to add? I would be interested in adding that to apps. Especially apps like Icon Preview could use it.09:01:47
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouiah wait what are you asking about ? :p 09:02:11
* @bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaoui is lost09:02:19
@julianhofer:gnome.orgJulian 🍃To add a help page09:02:22
@julianhofer:gnome.orgJulian 🍃And filling it with information09:02:32
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouiaaah i see09:02:41
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouiwell i think thats' something post gtk4 port09:02:48
@julianhofer:gnome.orgJulian 🍃Okay, then let's say Authenticator09:03:13
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouifor authenticator when you try to add an account, it does tell you how to get the token for say "Twitter"09:03:39
@julianhofer:gnome.orgJulian 🍃What would one have to do, that we can click on Help and a dialog opens with useful information09:03:45
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouinot an explicit tutorial, but a link to that09:03:50
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouibut yes maybe we can have some kind of page that tells you the difference between totp/hotp & steam and all09:04:53
@bilelmoussaoui:gnome.orgBilal Elmoussaouibut yelp isn't gtk4 compatible i think09:05:00
@julianhofer:gnome.orgJulian 🍃
In reply to @bilelmoussaoui:gnome.org
but yelp isn't gtk4 compatible i think
Okay, that was my question :)
@julianhofer:gnome.orgJulian 🍃So it is not a thing at the moment.09:05:30
@julianhofer:gnome.orgJulian 🍃So someone needs to adapt yelp09:05:39

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