
Ansible DevTools

128 Members
vscode extension, language server, ansible-lint, molecule, navigator and potentially other development goodies. That channel is not for general questions about using ansible.15 Servers

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5 Sep 2023
@michel:one.ems.hostMichel Lind 🍥 UTC-5 changed their profile picture.20:52:52
6 Sep 2023

ansible-compat on Python PyPI
v4.1.10 4.1.10


* Catch empty collection lists ( #332 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/332 ) ) @lod ( https://github.com/lod )

release note...

8 Sep 2023
@timgrt:matrix.orgTimGrt joined the room.17:23:11
11 Sep 2023

Hello all! The new Ansible Community Forum is live, and you can sign up here! :rocket:

We’re aiming big, to create a place for the whole ecosystem to gather and discuss topics of interest, get help, find out about events, and get involved. With powerful tagging, filtering, notification options, and search, you should be able to set this up to track the topics you care about and want to participate in. You can find out a bit more in our launch blog post, or just dive right in. And when you do, come introduce yourself!

(Apologies for cross-posting this to many rooms, but that does sort of illustrate the thing we want to improve!)

@wmudge:matrix.orgwmudge joined the room.14:57:17

ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.15.4 2.15.4


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.15.4/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.15.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.15.4-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9d/a9/6ec30dda1e2acd9447e1ebacf3258258150ae17aced82b4303994658a1bf/ansible_core-2.15.4-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2245522 bytes

* 5c57089405406f3004e948127b518b65509e280d524f61f91cc6360303fc388b (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.15.4.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/be/a4/0fd9e4f7eef974bcb106c31aafa463cf43b6bc77c1a259bc236c4c44c057/ansible-core-2.15.4.tar.gz ) - 3148213 bytes

* c1a8aaede985f79e5932ba2163639379f7d8025bfd9b28378db1649a4ef541ed (SHA256)

release note...


ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.13.12 2.13.12


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.13.12/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.13.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.13.12-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/5d/af/f5c700d17262aeb433cb67fbb7d630bbf35557082ef5a97d350551ab5973/ansible_core-2.13.12-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2115300 bytes

* 5923c586dbb92b3661aaa4d70a2ccc2216db21079c6f9b517f05f4f876934be4 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.13.12.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/fc/0e/822eebfd944f307b91d72630f468f6fd6b1a8264d34178d6642ddf2c0baf/ansible-core-2.13.12.tar.gz ) - 3145151 bytes

* 51ce7c363e619e82e9b8cd3af72ffe75a9567a92687b9cc639dba0cfd30397f3 (SHA256)

release note...

12 Sep 2023
@cristianon:matrix.orgCristiano Nicolai joined the room.02:34:48
@dengiwebllc-faruk:matrix.orgdeola musa joined the room.06:50:15
@hille721:matrix.org@hille721:matrix.org joined the room.07:21:56
@hille721:matrix.org@hille721:matrix.org set a profile picture.12:27:31
13 Sep 2023

pytest-ansible on Python PyPI
v4.1.0 4.1.0

Minor Changes

* Add config option for ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH ( #163 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/163 ) ) @Ruchip16 ( https://github.com/Ruchip16 )
* Add tests for inventory ( #164 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/164 ) ) @Ruchip16 ( https://github.com/Ruchip16 )
* Handle test markers ( #167 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/167 ) ) @Ruchip16 ( https://github.com/Ruchip16 )
* todo fixes & __getattr__ method fix ( #162 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/162 ) ) @Ruchip16 ( https://github.com/Ruchip16 )


* Precommit update reqs ( #172 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/172 ) ) @cidrblock ( https://github.com/cidrblock )
* Handle test markers ( #167 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/167 ) ) @Ruchip16 ( https://github.com/Ruchip16 )

release note...

15 Sep 2023

ansible/creator-ee on Quay

16 Sep 2023
@joola:matrix.org@joola:matrix.org left the room.15:57:25
18 Sep 2023
@aine:etke.cc@aine:etke.cc joined the room.17:36:26

Hi there,

Shameless advertising of the tools we've built around ansible for etke.cc needs (hope they will be useful for someone else as well 😉)


ansible-galaxy requirements.yml updater. We work with different playbooks that have test of external roles downloaded over git, and the ansible-galaxy itself is quite slow when you need to update them all, plus it can't update git tags automatically.

So, here is https://gitlab.com/etke.cc/int/agru


Like ansible-console, but interactive. That thing just parses inventory hosts (ini) and triggers actual ssh with credentials from the hosts file.


19 Sep 2023
@jtanner:matrix.orgJames Tanner Aine: agru looks interesting ... does it handle dependencies? 12:20:50
In reply to @jtanner:matrix.org
Aine: agru looks interesting ... does it handle dependencies?
it handles only roles from git repos directly, so no
but it has recursive include parsing
@jtanner:matrix.orgJames Tanneri feel as though a lot of the "slowness" people might experience from ansible-galaxy is due to the amount of stuff it has to fetch/download to build the full dependency map12:25:47
@aine:etke.cc@aine:etke.ccThat may be the case, yup. We've developed tools for our own needs, so things like dependencies management are out of the scope currently12:29:00
@allesweirdgut:matrix.orgallesweirdgut joined the room.21:34:16
20 Sep 2023
@ariordan:ansible.imariordan joined the room.08:32:50
23 Sep 2023
@thomas.doczkal:doczkal.cloudThomas Doczkal joined the room.09:34:47
@rochacbruno:matrix.orgrochacbruno joined the room.14:22:11
24 Sep 2023
@duleorlovic:matrix.orgDusan Orlovic joined the room.09:58:25
25 Sep 2023
@gionn:matrix.orggionn joined the room.13:15:21
26 Sep 2023

ansible-navigator on Python PyPI
v3.5.0 3.5.0

Minor Changes

* Update creator-ee to 0.20.0 ( #1567 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator/pull/1567 ) ) @shatakshiiii ( https://github.com/shatakshiiii )


* Expand env variable mentioned in the pull arguments (--pa) ( #1590 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator/pull/1590 ) ) @shatakshiiii ( https://github.com/shatakshiiii )
* Add tests for lint , without an EE ( #1574 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator/pull/1574 ) ) @shatakshiiii ( https://github.com/shatakshiiii )
* Include documentation URL in JSON Schema ( #1596 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator/pull/1596 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )

release note...


ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.16.0b1 2.16.0b1


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.16.0b1/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.16.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.16.0b1-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9f/ad/3e5a5720ce1dde76f22b7a5fc2dfe98263afee1e0cfafbdcc8b01b4f7aea/ansible_core-2.16.0b1-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2244316 bytes

* 70061dbe4e2229720d9a07b9f9474cfd714df781080766b1f4a95bcd283481a8 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.16.0b1.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/18/91/44747c599c7734d2490ac9152eb12bcec8dbe3b572d2eeddd70324299811/ansible-core-2.16.0b1.tar.gz ) - 3154983 bytes

* c8e756abb9b6ef17bddc7eabe34e7985d26ed4b726d6d0cbd6178e1dc386b41b (SHA256)

release note...

28 Sep 2023

ruamel.yaml on Python PyPI

@netopsengineer_:matrix.orgnetopsengineer_ Good morning team, what is the expected behavior in Ansible-Navigator when using an EE, lets say the creator-EE for example, when selecting the :collections menu item? It seems as if it can’t find collections locally I get an exception thrown in the log, but if I do point it to collections locally they are displayed and bind mounted but I do not see the creator-EE collections unless I go to the images menu. Intuitively, I was expecting I would see all collections available both local and within the image, there in the collections menu. I’ve tried on both 3.4.2 and 3.5.0. 12:08:16

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