
Element X iOS

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Discussions about Element X iOS | https://github.com/vector-im/element-x-ios Feature Status: https://github.com/vector-im/element-x-ios/issues/1225 App Store: https://apple.co/3r6LJHZ TestFlight: https://testflight.apple.com/join/uZbeZCOi Nightlies: inherently volatile, may break your account and by installing them, you do so at your own risk - https://testflight.apple.com/join/ckwk29aO257 Servers

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14 Feb 2025
@meox_:nitro.chatmeox_ [she/her] {learning rust} changed their display name from meox_ [she/her] {wireshark testing} to meox_ [she/her] {learning rust}.05:01:32
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewredact deletes for everyone in the room, not just the local user.08:12:35
@xcoderathena:matrix.orgxcoderathenai see ok thanks08:35:33
@milton:defaultbreak.orgmiltonHello! Any hints on why EX would not appear in the Notifications system settings application list? This is happening on another iOS device, mine is fine...11:52:19
@stefan.ceriu:matrix.orgȘtefanusually happens if permissions weren't requested at any point in the past. Try toggling notifications on and off from the Element X settings11:58:49
@milton:defaultbreak.orgmiltonthanks, will try it12:09:07
@willl:element.ioWill L - Away changed their display name from Will L to Will L - Away.12:40:13
@odd:oddware.netOdd joined the room.15:05:18
@oddlid:we2.eeOddEE left the room.15:08:37
@garrett:matrix.gmccabe.comgarrett joined the room.15:50:29
@thowzzy:thowzzy.beThowZzywe can't register without selfhosting matrix authentication service on element X is that right?16:06:49
@douge:matrix.orgDougYep, that’s correct.16:07:33
@thowzzy:thowzzy.beThowZzyI don't have enough free time to be a matrix server admin 🤩16:08:22
@thowzzy:thowzzy.beThowZzy(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻16:08:25
@thowzzy:thowzzy.beThowZzybest solution in the meantime would be to tell my users to register using element and then to uninstall it lmao16:09:52
@kenrachynski:matrix.orgDoofus Canadensis 🇨🇦🧊register with element web. no uninstall required.16:21:52
@arthursinclair97:matrix.orgArthur - OOO till 24/02 changed their display name from Arthur to Arthur - OOO till 24/02.18:02:34
@reaper987:matrix.orgreaper987Is there a way to confirm another device from element x on ios? If it was working, it's not anymore. No notification, nothing.21:30:00
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewit should. what version?21:30:28
@reaper987:matrix.orgreaper987Version: 25.02.0 (145)21:36:03
15 Feb 2025
@rntpts:synapse.rntpts.derntptsIt did two days ago (https://matrix.to/#/!amwlFMejXQcoCxNYHH:matrix.org/$lrFGmg_oWHW2GQB0gODLG5_pn3uGuuzwcruAudjiF38?via=matrix.org&via=element.io&via=beeper.com). Might be slow to-device messages?00:59:53
@doofus:troublemaker.devDoofus Canadensisoh this is interesting19:08:22
@doofus:troublemaker.devDoofus Canadensis I’m using EX on macOS and noticing that the hitbox for rooms in the Chats list sometimes selects the room above the one I clicked on 19:09:12
@doofus:troublemaker.devDoofus Canadensis

It requires multiple conditions to trigger, though.

  1. you have to use an external mouse (Logitech M557 in my case)
  2. you have to scroll a long way to the top of the list
    When that is met, clicking on the top half of the room cell selects the room above the one you selected
@doofus:troublemaker.devDoofus Canadensis *

It requires multiple conditions to trigger, though.

  1. you have to use an external mouse (Logitech M557 in my case)
  2. you have to scroll a long way to the top of the list

When that is met, clicking on the top half of the room cell selects the room above the one you selected

@doofus:troublemaker.devDoofus Canadensisif you use the trackpad or scroll short distances, the entire room box will select the correct room19:11:53
@doofus:troublemaker.devDoofus Canadensisand it’s only when you scroll to the top of the chats list19:13:22
@odd:oddware.netOdd Hi. I just submitted a bug report earlier this evening (about 18:20 UTC+01).
I'd just like to give some context:
Some days ago, I set up an instance of conduwuit (main, latest, with simplified sliding sync), with caddy as a reverse proxy.
I have caddy serve well-known for oddware.net, pointing to matrix.oddware.net where I have my actual instance. Caddy also does certs for each specific (sub)domain via LetsEncrypt and plugin dns-cloudflare.
On top of that, I have Cloudflare tunnels for serving this to the public. CF also generates a wildcard cert for *.oddware.net.
After testing this for a while on desktop with Element Classic web/desktop, I decided to set up split horizon DNS at home to get rid of the small but still noticeable lag from going through CF tunnels. And it worked just perfectly well.
I then tried to log in with EXI, which also worked perfectly well. I've been playing with it for a few days, and all seemed OK.
But today I went out for a while, and while in a café, on 5G, I tried to open EXI, and it was just complaining that it could not fetch messages. I tried sending messages, which also didn't work. I suspected problems with my server setup, so I tried to use a beeper account which I have joined to a room on my server, and that worked just fine. So I then tried to log in to my homeserver with Element Classic iOS, and that worked as well, and I could see the messages from beeper, so no problem with the server, it seems. I thought it might be a cache problem with EXI, so I tried cleaning the cache, with no difference. I then tried logging out and back in, but then it just stopped at the screen for setting the homeserver, saying it could not reach oddware.net. Weird, as it used to just fine, and since I just logged on to it on the same connection with Element Classic.
So when I got back home on my wifi, I tried again, and then I was able to log in, and EXI worked perfectly well again.
So, I'm wondering, is there some cert caching or something going on, messing things up? I can't really think of anything else that could cause this behavior, since that's the only thing that differs when on my own wifi or out and about. All certs are valid and signed, but they are not the same when connecting inside my home as from outside.
16 Feb 2025
@fingon:fingon.iki.fifingon Sounds like excessive dns caching ( I hope you have short ttl if you use split horizon ). 06:26:39
@odd:oddware.netOddReally? I didn't think iOS even allowed for any control of such things at the app level? I have a TTL of 5 minutes, and I had been out way longer than that before this happened. But I tried again just now, opening both Element Classic and X on my phone with wifi, and checking that all worked normally. Then switched off wifi and over to 5G and opened both apps again. Same as described. EX fails directly, while Element Classic continues to work normally. If it was DNS caching at the OS level, then I'd expect the same to happen for Element Classic, since it was just a matter of seconds between testing on wifi and 5G.07:17:38

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