
BIDS Derivatives Meeting 2018

65 Members
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wwc4A6Mow4ZPPszDIWfCUCRNstn7d_zzaWPcfcHmgI4/edit#heading=h.4h5l26tsg17b21 Servers

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21 Aug 2018
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskiyeah I created a BIDS organization20:49:16
@oesteban:matrix.orgOscar EstebanOkay here as well20:49:39
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewski+bids:matrix.org20:49:53
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskichanged room power levels.20:51:23
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskichanged room power levels.20:51:29
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskichanged room power levels.20:51:44
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewski set the room topic to "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wwc4A6Mow4ZPPszDIWfCUCRNstn7d_zzaWPcfcHmgI4/edit#heading=h.4h5l26tsg17b".21:08:49
@filo:matrix.orgChris GorgolewskiDownload BIDS-Processed Agenda.pdf21:09:49
@markiewicz:matrix.org@markiewicz:matrix.orgThis interface is definitely laggier than Slack. I don't know that it would have worked well for the OHBM hackathon, but maybe for something of this scale it'll work out.21:10:49
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskiit does feel laggier21:11:09
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskinot sure if it will get worse with more people21:11:41
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskimaybe the bottle neck is in the number of users on the same server in other rooms21:12:01
@markiewicz:matrix.org@markiewicz:matrix.orgI wonder if it's inherent to the protocol, or using a high-traffic server like matrix.org. Possibly if we had a dedicated BrainHack server (INCF?) it would smooth out. Shouldn't be too hard to set up a test machine on AWS.21:12:45
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskifor self hosted solutions there are other options21:15:23
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskimatrix/riot is attractive because its open source, but it has a central free option21:15:45
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskiit turns out free things are not very good ;)21:15:58
@markiewicz:matrix.org@markiewicz:matrix.orgThat was my tl;dr for the fMRIPrep demo.21:16:52
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewski"free things are not very good"?21:17:25
@markiewicz:matrix.org@markiewicz:matrix.orgI think we're gonna get a lot of new users.21:17:47
@filo:matrix.orgChris GorgolewskiIt even works on the phone.21:23:07
@filo:matrix.orgChris GorgolewskiScreenshot_20180804-092825.png
Download Screenshot_20180804-092825.png
@franklin-f:matrix.orgfranklin-f joined the room.21:25:09
@johnborghi:matrix.orgjohnborghi joined the room.22:11:57
@filo:matrix.orgChris GorgolewskiHi John!22:18:53
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewskichanged room power levels.22:37:49
@martinnorgaard:matrix.orgmartinnorgaard joined the room.23:10:13
@guiomar.niso:matrix.orgGuiomar Niso joined the room.23:21:44
@guiomar.niso:matrix.orgGuiomar NisoHi everyone!23:24:32
@filo:matrix.orgChris GorgolewskiHello!23:25:06

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