
BIDS Derivatives Meeting 2018

65 Members
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wwc4A6Mow4ZPPszDIWfCUCRNstn7d_zzaWPcfcHmgI4/edit#heading=h.4h5l26tsg17b21 Servers

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22 Aug 2018
In reply to @arokem:matrix.org
Made it!
Welcome to cold California!
@melanieganz:matrix.orgmelanieganz joined the room.09:58:31
@melanieganz:matrix.orgmelanieganzSo sad that I cannot make it in person, but since I am up half the night with my newborn anyways, I will try and join the discussion from Europe. ;-)10:00:07
@melanieganz:matrix.orgmelanieganz Hi adamthomas , let's definitely try and arrange a discussion regarding the PET standard and database grant. One of Gitte and my PhD students, martinnorgaard, is on site. 10:10:26
@remi_gau:matrix.org@remi_gau:matrix.org set a profile picture.12:05:05

Hey all,
I have just send an email to the BIDS mailing regarding adding some "recommended fields" to BIDS (core) and derivatives to try to make it match better the COBIDAS report recommendations.
I will just paste here the stuff related to the derivatives (though it relates mostly to functional stuff so might be out of order for common derivatives).
Mostly for functional and resting-state derivatives

COBIDAS - D3 - Preprocessing
    Add in the relevant side-car json files for each pipeline:
    Ordering of preprocessing steps
    Slice time correction
        reference slice
        interpolation type
    Motion correction
        numbers degrees of freedom
        reference scan
        cost function
        interpolation type
        use of motion susceptibility correction
        combined with slice timing
    Coregistration (intrasubject and intersubject)
        source image (assumed to be mean BOLD?)
        type of transformation
        cost function
        interpolation type
        choice of warp
        use of regularization and parameters used
        Size and type of smoothing kernel
        Filtering approach (e.g fixed kernel, iterative smoothing until fixed FWHM)
In reply to @melanieganz:matrix.org
Hi adamthomas , let's definitely try and arrange a discussion regarding the PET standard and database grant. One of Gitte and my PhD students, martinnorgaard, is on site.
Hi Mel, That's a great idea. You're on maternity leave, right?
@adamthomas:matrix.orgadamthomasAh, jost read your other post. Congratulations!13:12:50
@melanieganz:matrix.orgmelanieganzYes, adamthomas!13:15:41
@akhanf:matrix.orgakhanf joined the room.13:26:10
@xxxxx123456:matrix.orgxxxxx123456 joined the room.13:35:20
@edickie:matrix.orgedickie joined the room.14:16:19
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn joined the room.14:16:22
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn changed their display name from 62442katieb to Katie Bottenhorn.14:16:58
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn set a profile picture.14:17:37
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn changed their profile picture.14:20:29
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn changed their profile picture.14:21:51
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn changed their profile picture.14:24:45
@edickie:matrix.orgedickie set a profile picture.14:25:45
@maartenmennes:matrix.orgMaarten Mennes joined the room.14:44:03
@maartenmennes:matrix.orgMaarten Mennes changed their display name from maartenmennes to Maarten.14:49:32
@maartenmennes:matrix.orgMaarten Mennes set a profile picture.14:49:57
@maartenmennes:matrix.orgMaarten Menneshello all - being on the right-hand tale of the age distribution, what happened to slack, is that not cool anymore?14:51:11
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewski
In reply to @maartenmennes:matrix.org
hello all - being on the right-hand tale of the age distribution, what happened to slack, is that not cool anymore?
We are experimenting with this platform as it provides a more cost conscious alternative.
@mainakjas:matrix.orgmainakjasHey guys! We’re waiting at the shuttle at the Stanford guest house. Is anyone else joining?15:15:41

<@maartenmennes:matrix.org> hello all - being on the right-hand tale of the age distribution, what happened to slack, is that not cool anymore?

We are experimenting with this platform as it provides a more cost conscious alternative.

And as much historical messages as you want to keep, and bridges to IRC/gitter/... yo let people decide what they want to use

@delavega4:matrix.orgdelavega4 joined the room.15:18:01
@anibalsolon:matrix.organibalsolon joined the room.15:27:31
@andrewhoopes:matrix.organdrewhoopesRedacted or Malformed Event15:34:53
@rastko:matrix.orgrastko joined the room.16:03:17

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