
DCR General

890 Members
General discussion about all Decred topics. Join the Decred community at +decred:decred.org13 Servers

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2 May 2024
@jackerik:matrix.org@jackerik:matrix.org joined the room.11:44:29
@jackerik:matrix.org@jackerik:matrix.org changed their display name from jackerik to Nicholas.18:14:37
@jackerik:matrix.org@jackerik:matrix.org changed their display name from Nicholas to Nicholas Wallace.18:18:32
@jackerik:matrix.org@jackerik:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:30:51
@jrick:zettaport.comjrick banned @jackerik:matrix.org@jackerik:matrix.org.18:31:21
@merthurian:matrix.org@merthurian:matrix.org left the room.20:43:43
3 May 2024
@blockchainophil:decred.orgClopas changed their profile picture.09:29:10
7 May 2024
@bisonog:matrix.orgEP v1.8.1 just won’t open. Running the same command. Linux 20:24:32
@bisonog:matrix.orgEP changed their display name from E Pervez to EP.20:26:22

Try hitting up #support:decred.org, also mke sure you chose the correct bins for your CPU arch and that the checksums are good.

@bisonog:matrix.orgEP It’s the same one I usually download. I’ll ask them 20:35:47
@jz:decred.orgjz *

Try hitting up #support:decred.org, also make sure you chose the correct bins for your CPU arch and that the checksums are good.

10 May 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Decred Reddit: Decred Dev Update - Quick overview of the upgraded DEX Testnet & more! 04:23:18
In reply to @feeds:integrations.ems.host
New post in Decred Reddit: Decred Dev Update - Quick overview of the upgraded DEX Testnet & more!
Great work with the market maker bot. That will make a huge difference
@rouse:decred.orgrousethe bot will surely attract capital from people who are looking to earn passive income, and increase volume, and then get listed on Coingecko and CoinMarketCap14:08:25
@rouse:decred.orgrouse * the bot will surely attract capital from people who are looking to earn passive income. This will increase volume, and then DCRDEX will get listed on Coingecko and CoinMarketCap14:08:53
11 May 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeedsRedacted or Malformed Event14:56:21
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Decred Reddit: Preparing for DCRDEX v1 14:56:21

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