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7 Aug 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred: Secure. Adaptable. Sustainable.:
Forward Thinking Friday - 7 Aug 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred: Secure. Adaptable. Sustainable.:
DCRDEX seems like the greatest thing ever. Why is no one inside the bigger crypto community paying attention?
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred - Medium:
Decred Journal — July 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred: Secure. Adaptable. Sustainable.:
Decred Journal — July 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred / @decredproject:
July's issue of the Decred Journal is out now! Check it out for Schnorr sigs, RFPs on Politeia, vspd getting ready for mainnet voting, fast progress on dcrlnd, and renewed efforts to sow the seed of grassroots outreach initiatives. https://medium.com/decred/decred-journal-july-2020-7da45ed48660
@jz:decred.orgjz I heard there might be a new DJ out, was it announced anywhere? 21:21:52
@ay-p:decred.orgay-pnah need to post it on facebook too21:23:39
@bee:decred.orgbee(paging Decredcash)21:24:16
8 Aug 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred / @decredproject:
RT by @decredproject: Seeing the dex screenshots does it no justice. Doing atomic swaps with other people on testnet is just too freakin cool. The whole time I was switching back and forth from the UI to the logs to a block explorer to see it all happen in real time. I'm officially hyped
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred: Secure. Adaptable. Sustainable.:
Just wanted to show some sticker designs I came up with, hope you like them. ♥
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred: Secure. Adaptable. Sustainable.:
Politeia Digest Issue 34 - July 20 - August 8 2020
9 Aug 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred / @decredproject:
RT by @decredproject: Issue 34 of Politeia Digest is out now! 5 new proposals this time, each seeking a piece of the Decred Treasury pie to fund moderation or outreach activities (from poker tournaments to travel booking sites to influencer campaigns to memes for hire). https://blockcommons.red/politeia-digest/issue034/
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred: Secure. Adaptable. Sustainable.:
Get Stakey on Twitter: Seeing the dex screenshots does it no justice. Doing atomic swaps with other people on testnet is just too freakin cool. The whole time I was switching back and forth from the UI to the logs to a block explorer to see it all happen in real time. I'm officially hyped
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_loki joined the room.15:17:26
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_lokihi hi, finally got into the matrix chat15:26:14
@Haon:decred.orgNΦAHawesome, good to see you here loki17:03:05
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred: Secure. Adaptable. Sustainable.:
Decred Skepticism Sunday - 9 August 2020
10 Aug 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40jz=3adecred.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@jz:decred.org] Decred / @decredproject:
RT by @decredproject: Want to find the decred supply? $ dcrctl getcoinsupply 1185495157393533 1185495157393533 atoms = 11,854,951.573 dcr Done!
@yuheao:decred.orgyuheao joined the room.02:07:55
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_lokifinally in the co-working space after a very long and boring weekend, time to get me some issues dusted05:43:30
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_lokifractal matrix client doesn't seem to remember my login, I'm gonna try this python/qml one 'mirage'05:46:48
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_lokiit has e2ee05:46:53
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_lokimeh, I'll just use fractal, it's nice and light like an irc client06:10:42
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_lokiI'm surprised there isn't also an IRC relay but since matrix is the main platform this works for now06:11:21
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_lokihm godcr, the text shaper makes some really ugly antialiasing, looks like there's no hinting06:43:53
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_lokididn't render text like this in earlier builds of Gio06:48:12
@stalker_loki:decred.orgstalker_lokiI might stick to using the telegram since I can DM the team lead of godcr there 06:50:02
@jholdstock:decred.orgjholdstockHi loki, you might like https://weechat.org/ if you are looking for a matrix experience which is a bit more text-based and irc-like08:33:35
@jholdstock:decred.orgjholdstock as for reaching the godcr team, they are on matrix at #planetdecred:planetdecred.org 08:34:53

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