
social.coop open chatroom

387 Members
Channel for real time discussions among members of the https://social.coop/ user-owned corner of the fediverse (or anyone interested)58 Servers

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7 Jun 2024
@javielico:cooperative.computerJavielico ✨ joined the room.09:41:45
10 Jun 2024
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian πŸ„ Very cool to see an interesting social.coop post at the top of HN :) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40631370 h/t sneakers-the-rat 10:52:06
17 Jun 2024
@wtebbens:one.ems.hostwtebbens joined the room.08:58:55
@eliot_l:matrix.orgeliot_lRedacted or Malformed Event19:31:42
@eliot_l:matrix.orgeliot_lOops meant to post that to #sc-cwg:matrix.org19:32:56
20 Jun 2024
@mike_hales:matrix.org@mike_hales:matrix.org left the room.07:49:05
21 Jun 2024
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/themmight be of interest to some here https://todon.nl/@sutty/11264492470290444406:23:19
22 Jun 2024
@inkdroid:matrix.orgedsuthanks -- that is interesting! It looks like it's a Jekyll plugin that lets a static website live in the fediverse where people can follow and comment on its content? https://sutty.nl/en/we-are-launching-fediverse-distributed-publishing-through-sutty/18:39:00
1 Jul 2024
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian πŸ„thanks! I boosted16:48:15
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian πŸ„I know the sutty folks and they are great :D16:48:21
6 Jul 2024
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian πŸ„hi all! the instance will be down shortly for the 4.2.9 -> 4.2.10 security-sensitive upgrade10:40:44
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian πŸ„
In reply to @flancian:matrix.org
hi all! the instance will be down shortly for the 4.2.9 -> 4.2.10 security-sensitive upgrade
this is complete!
15 Jul 2024
@wetpaper:matrix.orgwetpaper changed their profile picture.23:19:39
@wetpaper:matrix.orgwetpaper removed their profile picture.23:19:45
@wetpaper:matrix.orgwetpaper set a profile picture.23:20:12
16 Jul 2024
@scottjenson:matrix.org@scottjenson:matrix.org left the room.01:48:10
17 Jul 2024
@je-ff:matrix.orgje-ff joined the room.00:28:20
@je-ff:matrix.orgje-ffHi all, I just joined the coop recently and I am looking for opportunities to get involved with the tech working group if any additional help is needed. I am just wondering what is the best way to get started, get oriented, and get to know everyone?23:44:11
18 Jul 2024
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/them welcome je-ff! I see you already found the #socialcoop-tech:matrix.org room, I'll @ you there about upcoming meetings and ongoing work 03:42:28
19 Jul 2024
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian πŸ„ thank you for joining je-ff! looking forward to meeting! 19:35:39
24 Jul 2024
@sutty:tomesh.netfauno joined the room.22:13:13
@sutty:tomesh.netfaunohey can i ask what's the status of the account we requested? it's registered to hello@distributed.press :D22:26:17
25 Jul 2024
@ewwn:matrix.orgEvan Boehs
In reply to @sutty:tomesh.net
hey can i ask what's the status of the account we requested? it's registered to hello@distributed.press :D
We’ve been having intermittent issues with our contact form, it’s possible the cwg never received it. I’m busy atm so if someone could ping them that’d be great
In reply to @sutty:tomesh.net
hey can i ask what's the status of the account we requested? it's registered to hello@distributed.press :D
I just took a look and I don't see any registrations under that email address, but I did find the application from 3 years ago for https://social.coop/@compost when I searched for distributed.press. Apologies, but could you submit an account request again? https://join.social.coop/registration-form.html
@dphiffer:matrix.orgdphifferI'll make sure CWG ops team knows about this!02:01:51
In reply to @dphiffer:matrix.org
I just took a look and I don't see any registrations under that email address, but I did find the application from 3 years ago for https://social.coop/@compost when I searched for distributed.press. Apologies, but could you submit an account request again? https://join.social.coop/registration-form.html
ooh ok thanks!
@ambiguous_yelp:matrix.orgAmbiguous Yelp changed their display name from Ambiguous Yelp to Ambiguous Yeast.19:47:41
@ambiguous_yelp:matrix.orgAmbiguous Yelp changed their display name from Ambiguous Yeast to Ambiguous Yelp.19:51:44
26 Jul 2024
@haldorsen:matrix.org@haldorsen:matrix.org left the room.05:19:56

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