
social.coop open chatroom

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Channel for real time discussions among members of the https://social.coop/ user-owned corner of the fediverse (or anyone interested)60 Servers

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15 Jan 2025
@kirksmith:beeper.com@kirksmith:beeper.com left the room.16:36:31
@inkdroid:matrix.orgedsu Jorge: I think you will see additional information once you cast your vote -- which you can change. 16:38:26
@inkdroid:matrix.orgedsu * Jorge: I think you will see additional information once you cast your vote -- which you can change if you want. I changed mine twice! :-) 16:38:42
@inkdroid:matrix.orgedsu * Jorge: I think you will see additional comments once you cast your vote -- which you can change if you want. I changed mine twice! :-) 16:38:56
In reply to @inkdroid:matrix.org
Jorge: I think you will see additional comments once you cast your vote -- which you can change if you want. I changed mine twice! :-)
THANK YOU! ðŸĪĐ So that's what I was missing. I didn't want to vote before reading what other people had to say, so I was kind of blocked there.
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/them
In reply to @inkdroid:matrix.org
Jorge: I think you will see additional information once you cast your vote -- which you can change.
@Jorge the comments are also not visible from the individual proposal pages, only from the (long) discussion page
@eldelacajita:matrix.orgJorgeGood to know, thanks! 17:00:10
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/themfor me it depends when someone would be able to get around to that test. If the testing delays implementing a moderation decision then I think we're back to "special-casing Facebook". And I'd be happy enough with using defederating threads.net as the test, given we'll also have a backup of the relationships from the database17:14:59
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄
In reply to @3wc:autonomic.zone
flancian 🍄: I think it might help for us to have a quick call about it, text (and instant message especially) is quite a difficult medium. and i it's important to me that you feel valued and respected in your work. it'if you're willing, maybe someone would be down to join us to help facilitate?
gladly! we could meet on Monday for this and maybe for a review of the bug backlog, we discussed it as a possibility with Dan and Ed
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄
In reply to @3wc:autonomic.zone
in the meantime I'll say that I meant "pushing" as a neutral description. maybe "autonomously enacting" would have been clearer
thank you for the explanation, I think 'autonomously' is a much better description.
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄
In reply to @3wc:autonomic.zone

)and, on the technical issue around backing up follow relationships which would be severed by defederation: I discovered today that mastodon has this feature. on another server I'm on I got this notification:

You may lose follows and followers when you block a domain or when your moderators decide to suspend a remote server. When that happens, you will be able to download lists of severed relationships, to be inspected and possibly imported on another server.

(I think it was a little different, it included the actual domain of the server. but the notification disappeared and I can't find the message I saw in the mastodon source ðŸĪŠ)

which linked to https://server.tld/severed_relationships

very cool, I hope this is indeed available functionality! I have never suspended an instance myself I believe despite being oncall for more than two years for the CWG
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/themI think it's new-ish functionality, I haven't gone through the git history but I'd never previously seen the message that I saw today20:45:45
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄thank you! me too, let's discuss this in the TWG meeting? I don't think it's a problem, it just needs to happen.20:45:50
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/them* I think it's new-ish functionality, I haven't gone through the git history on mastodon to see when it was added, but I'd never previously seen the message that I saw today20:45:53
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄thank you so much! I myself don't think there is even the need for moderation in this case, but in general this would be useful, and I'm open to it in this particular case if anyone thinks it's needed. I think discussing this on the Monday bonus TWG meeting (if it happens) might work fine and be easiest to schedule20:46:48
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄anybody's welcome to attend of course, we discussed the coworking sessions could work like open houses?20:47:12
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/them* I think it's new-ish? I haven't gone through the git history on mastodon to see when it was added, but I'd never previously seen the message that I saw today20:47:42
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄this could be Monday 17th at 18 or 19 UTC according to preference?20:47:48
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/themshall we do 18, so we can keep 19 free for the TWG meeting? I think there's value in having the conversation about these decisions separately, and with just us + facilitator20:48:36
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/them* shall we do 18, so we can keep 19 free for the TWG meeting? I think there's value in having the conversation about these decisions separately to tech tasks, and with just us + facilitator rather than a larger group20:49:04
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄
In reply to @3wc:autonomic.zone
shall we do 18, so we can keep 19 free for the TWG meeting? I think there's value in having the conversation about these decisions separately to tech tasks, and with just us + facilitator rather than a larger group
sounds good to me unless I get a work meeting, sometimes they happen in that slot, but I will block that slot now
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄I'm fine with larger group though, I think anybody who is interested on this topic and how we will enact the will of the community responsibly could come, but up to the group20:50:24
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/them OK, doing the same. dphiffer does that slot work for you also? 20:50:26
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄I'm fine suspending my current test domain social.agor.ai if it helps, and then unsuspending ;)20:51:26
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/themsure, I will say that I think the more people there are, and the more that the focus is the general topic, the less chance of success I think we will have resolving the interpersonal / emotional aspect of this20:51:51
@3wc:autonomic.zone3wc ~ they/thembut i am ultimately fine with either as well20:52:05
@dphiffer:matrix.orgdphifferyes, I am free 18UTC on Monday, happy to join and facilitate20:52:36
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄
In reply to @3wc:autonomic.zone
sure, I will say that I think the more people there are, and the more that the focus is the general topic, the less chance of success I think we will have resolving the interpersonal / emotional aspect of this
I don't think I have much of a leftover negative interpersonal charge resulting from our discussion of this topic but I'm happy to navigate it together!
@flancian:matrix.orgflancian 🍄* I don't think I have much of a leftover negative interpersonal charge resulting from our discussion of this topic but I'm happy to navigate this together! ðŸĪŸ20:56:13
16 Jan 2025
@nigini:matrix.orgnigini joined the room.00:11:33

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