
STK Soccer Tournament - General

230 Members
General chat for SuperTuxKart and in particular the soccer tournament. Tournament home page: https://luffah.xyz/tournament Results/schedule: https://stk.kimden.online/soccer/12 Servers

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21 Jul 2024
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <bcf> Thx bro, I'm only interested in tournaments that aren't very big, like a 3v3, not 5v5 or something, because 5v5 is too much chaos to play well, or if we make a phone call in the meantime, it would be doable. I heard Manchester server will also be organizing a tournament soon, I think it's a bit smaller so who knows, I might play that 😉 18:06:57
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <bcf> Thx bro, I'm only interested in tournaments that aren't very big, like a 3v3, not 5v5 or something, because 5v5 is too much chaos to play well, or if we are in call in the meantime, it would be doable. I heard Manchester server will also be organizing a tournament soon, I think it's a bit smaller so who knows, I might play that 😉 18:07:29
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <kimden> there was zero tournaments with 5v5 18:14:42
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <kimden> there were zero tournaments with 5v5 18:14:47
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <kimden> and the previous one was 3v3 18:15:01
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <kimden> and the previous one was 4v4 18:15:05
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <bcf> I meant it more as an example 18:18:16
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <kimden> and the previous one was 4v4 but could as well be 3v3 with slightly different number of playersa 18:22:43
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <kimden> and the previous one was 4v4 but could as well be 3v3 with slightly different number of players 18:22:44
25 Jul 2024
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> is this bad to leave soccer server when you don't want to do soccer (with the conditions you like) ? 13:50:14
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> which power ? 13:56:24
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <Snoker> The moderator power 13:57:28
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <Snoker> Mahmoud wanna insult freely without being timedout 13:58:25
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> The question to which a racist will answer "no (, but ...)".
I can't find any racist by looking on regular STK soccer players profile.

But beyond xenophobic racism there is a racist strategy wave that dominant use against people to divide them (in order to reduce redistribution of wealth). Telling 'em that there is some people (identifiable by some criteria) taking advantage intending to destroy 'em (by any bullshit cultural criteria). Both are a kind of sickness. Pure exclusion rarely cure this.

Aside there are people that are really boring abusing on server maintainer patience.... IMO STK community is really calm.

@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <raceme> racist means you are a race-ist. meaning you are a racer. lol. 14:25:45
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <raceme> in this context 14:25:53
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> i don't really like to play with these words. sorry. 14:27:14
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> LoL, which people who are moderated like it and not tell "why the fuck ! dictatorship !" 14:28:48
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> LoL, which people who are moderated do like it and not tell "why the fuck ! dictatorship !" 14:29:21
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> Anyway if @mahmoudtark25 is kinda boring sometime (...), i never felt this like insults.
May you try be a softer way of communicating Mahmoud ? :face_beastie:
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> Anyway if @mahmoudtark25 is kinda boring sometime i never felt this like insults.
May you try be a softer way of communicating Mahmoud ? :face_beastie:
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> Anyway if @mahmoudtark25 is kinda boring sometime I never felt this like insults.
May you try be a softer way of communicating Mahmoud ? :face_beastie:
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> LoL, which people who are moderated do like it and not tell "why the fuck ! dictatorship !" ? 14:35:02
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <haenschen> I was talking about leaving a Discord server. And yes, it is kind of bad to say "if you let person X join, then I will leave" Everyone is free to leave, but threatening to leave, actually leaving, and then rejoining a few hours later is childish. 16:02:38
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> childish ... this is a game, there are some children playing i guess ... 18:00:43
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> oh... discord server... we can place a delay to rejoin a discord server if this become a boring practice 18:03:04
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <littleshell0392> oh... discord server... we can probably setup a delay to rejoin a discord server if this become a boring practice 18:03:41
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <raceme> it started with a guy named Luigi whose English was obviously not native. he confused the suffixes -er and -ist. racer = racist 18:29:07
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <haenschen> some are children, some are adults with a childish character 19:34:29
@stksoccer-bridge:matrix.orgSTK Soccer Bridge [discord] <haenschen> not necessary 🙂 19:36:08

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