
Element X Android

868 Members
Discussions about Element X Android | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.element.android.x | https://github.com/vector-im/element-x-android | Nightly builds: https://appdistribution.firebase.dev/i/7de2dbc61e7fb2a6256 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:10:12
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
tries to follow the non sequitur
hah. Sorry.
The "dealing with customers" asking things
26 Jul 2024
@ebonjaeger:matrix.org@ebonjaeger:matrix.org left the room.00:42:38
@darrell:103100.xyzdarrell joined the room.10:18:27
@kimapr0:matrix.orgkimaprElement X eats my messages! i just sent one and it disappeared into the fog11:12:20
@kimapr0:matrix.orgkimaprand this isn't the first time11:12:27
@kimapr0:matrix.orgkimapri sent a rageshake if that helps at all11:14:05
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowI usually restart the app11:24:16
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowAnd they reappear11:24:19
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewit should never eat messages. thanks for rageshaking11:56:25
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew kimapr: can you give me the room ID where the msg disappeared? 11:57:16
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewhave filed https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/issues/3248 to track it11:58:48
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewif you can put more details there it'd be much appreciated11:58:53
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
kimapr: can you give me the room ID where the msg disappeared?
not sure, it's a private room
@kimapr0:matrix.orgkimaprsent in DMs12:08:04
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewthanks, will put on the privaterageshake12:18:50
@fdpu:arcticfoxes.net@fdpu:arcticfoxes.net left the room.12:15:22
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew * thanks, will put on the private rageshake12:18:52
@kimapr0:matrix.orgkimaprnope, not disappearing this time12:45:08
@everypizza:catgirl.cloudeverypizza • moving to @everypizza:transfem.dev changed their display name from everypizza • eepy catgirl 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🐾 to everypizza • moving to @everypizza:transfem.dev.12:46:00
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.14:37:34
In reply to @kimapr0:matrix.org
not sure, it's a private room
was it encrypted
In reply to @morguldir:sulian.eu
was it encrypted
Yes, it still is
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
kimapr: can you give me the room ID where the msg disappeared?
happens to me often, especially with images, in this room (Element X Android) too
@avion:matrix.orgAvion joined the room.21:27:00
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fella joined the room.22:28:09
27 Jul 2024
In reply to @pablo:taktpraha.cz
happens to me often, especially with images, in this room (Element X Android) too
Authenticated media repository endpoints missing?

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