
Emacs Matrix Client

216 Members
Being obsoleted by new client, Ement.el: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el (#ement.el:matrix.org)62 Servers

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16 Jul 2021
@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk
In reply to @alphapapa:matrix.org
Or #emacs:matrix.org ? :)
Right, one of the two.
@seestem:matrix.org@seestem:matrix.org joined the room.21:02:18
18 Jul 2021
@nico:ungleich.ch@nico:ungleich.ch left the room.08:53:08
19 Jul 2021
@condaatje:matrix.org@condaatje:matrix.org set a profile picture.21:07:49
26 Jul 2021
@hubert:uhoreg.ca@hubert:uhoreg.ca changed their display name from uhoreg (away) to uhoreg.14:07:29
29 Jul 2021
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapa changed the room topic to "matrix-client.el: a Matrix client for Emacs | https://github.com/alphapapa/matrix-client.el | See also: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el" from "matrix-client.el: a Matrix client for Emacs | https://github.com/alphapapa/matrix-client.el".10:42:16
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapa changed the room topic to "matrix-client.el: a Matrix client for Emacs | https://github.com/alphapapa/matrix-client.el | See also: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el (a new client)" from "matrix-client.el: a Matrix client for Emacs | https://github.com/alphapapa/matrix-client.el | See also: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el".10:44:47
@rubricae:matrix.org@rubricae:matrix.org joined the room.15:02:59
1 Aug 2021
@akater:matrix.org@akater:matrix.org left the room.00:27:57
@wenlong:matrix.orgWenlong Dai joined the room.11:55:17
@teknikal_domain:matrix.tdstoragebay.comTeknikal_Domain left the room.14:44:51
2 Aug 2021
@mxwake:matrix.orgmxwake joined the room.17:03:27
@self-symmetric:matrix.org@self-symmetric:matrix.org left the room.18:59:02
5 Aug 2021
@rogorido:matrix.org@rogorido:matrix.org left the room.10:14:44
@apollos_wau:matrix.org@apollos_wau:matrix.org joined the room.13:04:27
10 Aug 2021
@ignujee:matrix.orgiGNUjee changed their display name from iGNUjee(തൻസീം) to iGNUjee.06:35:46
11 Aug 2021
@esac:matrix.org@esac:matrix.org left the room.02:17:15
12 Aug 2021
@volkie35:matrix.orgvolkie joined the room.09:21:29
@volkie35:matrix.orgvolkieHi, does anyone know how to enable reading e2e encrypted direct messaging messages? My own messages are readable, but the messages I receive are not readable.😐09:23:43
In reply to @volkie35:matrix.org
Hi, does anyone know how to enable reading e2e encrypted direct messaging messages? My own messages are readable, but the messages I receive are not readable.😐
I guess this is not relevant anymore since you came into #ement.el:matrix.org, but FYI, if you send messages to encrypted rooms using a client that doesn't support encryption, those messages you sent were not encrypted.
@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk
In reply to @bluye:matrix.org

I think i'm the wrong matrix server. I don't suppose this would be a good spot to ask a general emacs init.el config question unrelated to the matrix client.

Which matrix-server are you?
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.org@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgI assume bluye meant matrix room18:12:22
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.org@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgA server is an entirely different thing18:12:34
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapaLet me see if there's a "whoosh" emoji...18:12:45
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapaAIRPLANE DEPARTING kinda does it18:13:50
13 Aug 2021
@crb:mozilla.org@crb:mozilla.org joined the room.01:14:24

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