
Emacs Matrix Client

216 Members
Being obsoleted by new client, Ement.el: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el (#ement.el:matrix.org)62 Servers

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25 Mar 2023
@beslayed-:matrix.org@beslayed-:matrix.org left the room.17:21:50
26 Mar 2023
@sabahtaza:matrix.orgoum hanifa joined the room.23:22:10
@sabahtaza:matrix.orgoum hanifaHoi23:22:22
@sabahtaza:matrix.orgoum hanifaGallo where is the Satteliet 23:25:18
27 Mar 2023
@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk oum hanifa Try the #ement.el:matrix.org channel. 17:49:52
28 Mar 2023
@jon:terracrypt.net@jon:terracrypt.net left the room.20:24:46
29 Mar 2023
@sabahtaza:matrix.orgoum hanifaWhy try05:22:54
@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk
In reply to @sabahtaza:matrix.org
Why try
Try what?
30 Mar 2023
@fnz:matrix.orgfnz joined the room.10:59:32
2 Apr 2023
@flyingketh:matrix.org@flyingketh:matrix.org left the room.20:50:54
@semeninrussia:matrix.org@semeninrussia:matrix.org joined the room.22:20:36
7 Apr 2023
@semeninrussia:matrix.org@semeninrussia:matrix.org left the room.20:45:15
15 Apr 2023
@lossy:matrix.orglossy joined the room.19:38:22
22 Apr 2023
@sythemeta847:matrix.orgsythemeta847 joined the room.06:55:27
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.09:46:52
30 Apr 2023
@mercury_sky:matrix.orgmercury_sky joined the room.07:50:00
6 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.14:39:39
9 May 2023
@rvlobato:matrix.orgrvlobato joined the room.22:03:58
10 May 2023
@jgarte:matrix.org@jgarte:matrix.org left the room.04:39:28
@toni:tonibot.ddns.net@toni:tonibot.ddns.net joined the room.19:32:45
15 May 2023
@mercury_sky:matrix.orgmercury_sky set a profile picture.13:39:06
@mercury_sky:matrix.orgmercury_sky changed their profile picture.13:39:09
@damned-me:matrix.orgdamned-me joined the room.14:59:48
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.22:37:47
18 May 2023
@jane7177:matrix.org@jane7177:matrix.org joined the room.16:39:57
@jane7177:matrix.org@jane7177:matrix.org left the room.16:40:04
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.22:08:19
24 May 2023
@lchausmann:matrix.orglchausmann set a profile picture.06:26:36
26 May 2023
@jjf:matrix.org@jjf:matrix.org left the room.00:56:20
6 Jun 2023
@diegov:matrix.org@diegov:matrix.org left the room.10:21:56

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