
Emacs Matrix Client

216 Members
An attempt to Resurrect matrix-client.el | https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el | [RFC] https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el/issues/362 Servers

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14 Jun 2023
@potato-potatoes:matrix.orgpotato-potatoes set a profile picture.20:58:36
@philipsd6:matrix.orgphilipsd6 joined the room.22:56:38
15 Jun 2023
@potato-potatoes:matrix.orgpotato-potatoes changed their profile picture.10:04:57
5 Jul 2023
@darrenfoss:matrix.org@darrenfoss:matrix.org joined the room.05:32:44
15 Jul 2023
@ljn:envs.net@ljn:envs.net joined the room.09:07:21
@ljn:envs.net@ljn:envs.net left the room.09:08:38
16 Jul 2023
@chda:matrix.org@chda:matrix.org joined the room.07:10:24
@chda:matrix.org@chda:matrix.org left the room.07:10:38
21 Jul 2023
@darrenfoss:matrix.org@darrenfoss:matrix.org left the room.23:36:04
3 Aug 2023
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.com left the room.08:24:20
25 Aug 2023
@ibizaman:matrix.orgibizaman set a profile picture.16:19:07
28 Aug 2023
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ changed their profile picture.18:22:30
11 Sep 2023
@brickviking:matrix.org@brickviking:matrix.org left the room.00:03:17
15 Sep 2023
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapa changed the join rule to "invite" from "public".03:47:38
16 Nov 2023
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ changed their profile picture.14:06:31
29 Nov 2023
@eude_monia:matrix.orgeude_monia set a profile picture.08:18:42
25 Dec 2023
@zoechi:matrix.org@zoechi:matrix.orgI'm an elips rookie. I tried to make a function to connect to matrix .org ``` (ement-connect :user-id "@zoechi:matrix.org" :password password :uri-prefix "https://matrix-client.matrix.org") ``` This is working, but I'd rather not have to interactively chose between SSO and Password. Is there a way to pass a parameter to above function use "password"?17:26:03

You're in the wrong room, friend. See the topic. :)

@zoechi:matrix.org@zoechi:matrix.org left the room.18:50:15
7 Feb 2024
@tiredthink:matrix.org@tiredthink:matrix.org left the room.07:18:09
12 Feb 2024
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.org@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.org left the room.22:43:00
28 Feb 2024
@hubert:uhoreg.ca@hubert:uhoreg.ca left the room.23:24:10
29 Feb 2024
@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz@adam:thebeckmeyers.xyz left the room.18:34:26
20 Mar 2024
@rrix:kickass.systemsrrixย (now @rrix:aelf.land) changed their display name from rrixย ๐Ÿ• ๐ŸŒŽ to rrixย (now @rrix:aelf.land).22:21:53
22 Mar 2024
@toni:tonibot.ddns.net@toni:tonibot.ddns.net left the room.19:41:11
24 Apr 2024
@pussipupu:matrix.orgpussipupu changed their profile picture.14:44:17
16 May 2024
@sfmb:matrix.orgsfmb changed their display name from sfmb to jaalkab.19:34:44
@sfmb:matrix.orgsfmb changed their profile picture.19:35:45
@sfmb:matrix.orgsfmb changed their display name from jaalkab to sfmb.19:39:51
@sfmb:matrix.orgsfmb changed their profile picture.19:40:19

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