
Tasking Manager

383 Members
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17 Apr 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U78C3AYJC:matrix.orgFrans Difficult to mark a task as validated due to error. Today I am validating 3 tasks Projects 16303 Tried to mark them as validated. It took so long to get 2 task validated after constantly getting an error. ' an error occured while submitting your task. Now I am waiting for over quarter of an hour to get it marked without success. Repeadetly refreshing the page won't help either 08:24:48
@_slack_hotosm_U02U2505SM8:matrix.orgPetya Kangalova Hi everyone, the :hot:HOT Tasking Manager Meet Up:hot: is taking place again TODAY 12:00UTC!Agenda - feel free to add any topics you would like to discuss 🙂 • Link to join: https://meet.jit.si/TaskingManagerCollectiveMeetUp Hope to see you there!🌻 09:37:14
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy No - we did not plan for it yet. There are frontend dependencies that has to be updated to bring in the latest from iD. But I will make sure to have it in the backlog as we are planning the roadmap for Tasking Manager 09:49:15
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy cc Varun royallz dk manjita pandey 09:49:28
@_slack_hotosm_ULPKSCD47:matrix.orgmartien https://hotosm.slack.com/archives/C319P09PB/p1712483339861869 Hi Frans please check this discussion, seems to be a similar issue. 09:50:58
@_slack_hotosm_U02U2505SM8:matrix.orgPetya Kangalova @room starting the HOT Tasking Manager meet up: https://meet.jit.si/TaskingManagerCollectiveMeetUp 12:02:28
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy Emi Mariscal royallz - a few of us are attempting data quality monitoring on staging https://tasks-stage.hotosm.org/projects/14513/live. However it is not accessible for everyone 12:25:50
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy cc Nicole Sam Colchester martien r_aytoun Petya Kangalova Adityo dinar.adiatma 12:26:57
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy 1. expert mode turned on, but page is not accessible 2. building outlines does not show up in the live page 12:27:59
@_slack_hotosm_UNKM4RGET:matrix.orgNicole I see “Page not Found.” 12:34:28
@_slack_hotosm_U05U6LX30BA:matrix.orgroyallz Does Ctrl+Shift+R help? cause it is working fine for me. 12:38:57
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy Live monitoring button appears only if expert mode is turned on right? 12:41:06
@_slack_hotosm_U05U6LX30BA:matrix.orgroyallz yeah 12:42:03
@_slack_hotosm_UNKM4RGET:matrix.orgNicole For me, it randomly started working. but I’m not really clear why…. 12:42:53
@_slack_hotosm_U03792XTA6M:matrix.orgEmi Mariscal But map is not working right? 13:01:28
@_slack_hotosm_U03792XTA6M:matrix.orgEmi Mariscal that’s what I’ll fixing today 13:01:41
@_slack_hotosm_UNKM4RGET:matrix.orgNicole Emi Mariscal I think it is working, but maybe I misunderstand what you mean 13:11:30
@_slack_hotosm_U03792XTA6M:matrix.orgEmi Mariscal It looks like this: 13:12:21
@_slack_hotosm_U03792XTA6M:matrix.orgEmi Mariscal It should look like this: 13:12:34
@_slack_hotosm_UNKM4RGET:matrix.orgNicole You are correct, it looks like option 1, but I didn’t know that was incorrect 😅 13:13:30
@_slack_hotosm_U03792XTA6M:matrix.orgEmi Mariscal hah no problem! I didn’t presented the feature yet, as soon as this is fixed I’ll start creating some posts, videos and docs 13:14:08
@_slack_hotosm_U3B19K2TX:matrix.orgwisemana If I can advocate for moving it up the priority list. That PR was from 2015 for example, and unsquare buildings is a long term issue that requires a lot of manual fixing by validators whose time could be better spent fixing more severe problems 17:38:06
18 Apr 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U78C3AYJC:matrix.orgFrans ramyaragupathy Tried to issue a message about this on HOT Tech support. However The page ask for a valid fiel in the 'summary' field. However, I see not such a field. 09:51:58
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@_slack_hotosm_U2K2H3ZRN:matrix.orgpete_masters Interesting that Unique Mappers Network have moved to the US instance of the TM.... 10:25:48
@_slack_hotosm_U3UJ0ASS2:matrix.orgr_aytoun Hello, we are having a problem validating the last task 831 on Project 16303. A number of validators have tried to mark this task as validated but it keeps giving an error *"An error occured while submitting your task."* Can someone take a look a what the problem is Thank you. 13:28:53
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy Will look into this Ralph 14:07:33
@_slack_hotosm_U3UJ0ASS2:matrix.orgr_aytoun Thank you ramya 14:44:34
19 Apr 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U9E328GN9:matrix.orgLaura I think Mapping projects created by TomTom for different OSM communities are on the US instance 🤓 00:10:21
@_slack_hotosm_U9E328GN9:matrix.orgLaura https://tasks.openstreetmap.us/organisations/tomtom 00:11:24

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