
Tasking Manager

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16 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U92CW2FFC:matrix.orgdk thanks sam! 13:48:39
@_slack_hotosm_U01V976G935:matrix.org_slack_hotosm_U01V976G935 [hotosm/tasking-manager] New release Release - v4.8.0 published by ramyaragupathy 13:53:26
@_slack_hotosm_ULPKSCD47:matrix.orgmartien Taylor Smock i saved the jq outputs (5 total) in different textfiles. Since it is still uncertain if it is JOSM or TM based, what to do next? Should i upload the jq outputs here, so that you maybe can decide if it is JOSM? I also have screenshots of the TM uploads belonging to each of the outputs. And then, if it _is_ JOSM, i will create a ticket via Help/Report bug? 19:14:11
17 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_UTN8PEZTP:matrix.orgTaylor Smock Go ahead and make the report via Help/Report bug. I'll take a look at it when I have time. 12:12:29
18 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U07DRTUG52L:matrix.org_slack_hotosm_U07DRTUG52L joined the room.19:02:18
19 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_ULPKSCD47:matrix.orgmartien I have everything ready to create a ticket. Just checking if i understood your earlier warning about sensitive information correctly: I did not find any Authorization, Bearer or Token instances in the jq outputs. So that does mean the outputs do not contain any sensitive information? 14:43:05
22 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_UTN8PEZTP:matrix.orgTaylor Smock It shouldn't. If it does, and I see it, I'll remove the attachment from the ticket. I will inform you about the leaked secret and recommend you change it (whatever the secret was). 12:00:20
@grin:grin.hugrin Any TM devs around? It is not clear to me what the plan was, but Tm maked repeated requests to https://stats.now.ohsome.org/api/topic/poi,highway,buildin g,waterway/user?userId=XXX which is a restricted api resulting 403 Forbidden 16:45:04
@grin:grin.hugrinAnd it seems this is completely un(der)documented at both TM and ohsome.16:45:38
23 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy Hi Grin - that’s the url to fetch the user stats page for the my contribution section. 00:41:56
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy Prabin Aditya Kushwaha possible for us to update this in the documentation and suggest removing the reference for dev setup? 00:42:37
@_slack_hotosm_U05BR27UVCZ:matrix.orgAditya Kushwaha royallz 04:15:58
@_slack_hotosm_U05BR27UVCZ:matrix.orgAditya Kushwaha We will have a look at it and update findings over here 04:17:02
@_slack_hotosm_U05U6LX30BA:matrix.orgroyallz yeah grin, this api is used to called the stats of specific user.. it requires ohsome stats token to access.. we'll try and document this from our side. thanks! 09:42:31
In reply to @_slack_hotosm_U05U6LX30BA:matrix.org
yeah grin, this api is used to called the stats of specific user.. it requires ohsome stats token to access.. we'll try and document this from our side. thanks!
I can't find where to get a token... Probably closed circle distributed?
@_slack_hotosm_U05U6LX30BA:matrix.orgroyallz yeah.. it's for TM use only.. the did not want to share there token publicly.. 09:48:09
@grin:grin.hugrinI'll ping them then, thanks09:49:17
@_slack_hotosm_U92CW2FFC:matrix.orgdk ideally the page should not be performing requests if the town isn't supplied 12:08:43
@_slack_hotosm_U05U6LX30BA:matrix.orgroyallz dk !? 12:42:23
@_slack_hotosm_U92CW2FFC:matrix.orgdk token*** 12:42:51
24 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U07DVR2D0CU:matrix.orgNirab Pudasaini joined the room.07:14:49
@_slack_hotosm_ULPKSCD47:matrix.orgmartien Ticket is created. 18:33:11
25 Jul 2024
@_slack_hotosm_U9N5QKBQE:matrix.orgramyaragupathy for reference: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/23821 05:56:20
@_slack_hotosm_U07DVR2D0CU:matrix.orgNirab Pudasaini changed their display name from _slack_hotosm_U07DVR2D0CU to Nirab Pudasaini.10:47:00
@_slack_hotosm_U07DVR2D0CU:matrix.orgNirab Pudasaini set a profile picture.10:47:03
@_slack_hotosm_UTN8PEZTP:matrix.orgTaylor Smock Additional reference: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/changeset/19153/josm 21:05:55
26 Jul 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in New tasking-manager topic at OSM Forums: Migrating Tasking Manager: From Flask to FastAPI and psycopg2 to asyncpg 07:55:28
@_slack_hotosm_ULPKSCD47:matrix.orgmartien So the issue has been solved? If yes, thank you Taylor Smock for the fast follow up. 08:59:02
@_slack_hotosm_UTN8PEZTP:matrix.orgTaylor Smock The issue that I saw is solved. My current working assumption is that it is also your specific issue. I could be wrong about that, but I don't think I am, since all of your examples had multiple data layers, and it looked like the data was in a different layer. If you feel like seeing if it fixed your problem, you can download installers from https://github.com/JOSM/josm/releases/tag/19153 . Use the Java 21 versions (since that is what we ship). 12:23:20
@_slack_hotosm_ULPKSCD47:matrix.orgmartien Hi validators, could some of you run the "latest version JOSM 19153" as mentioned in previous message? To test if the issue is really solved? As the JOSM download page says: "These versions might have severe errors. But mostly they work well" I will test too. But since i am currently also doing some backoffice work for HOT i am not that active in validation anymore. 13:19:20

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