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Language server support for vim and neovim 31 Servers

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21 Mar 2024
@dman777-54dd612215522ed4b3dbf5e1:gitter.imdman777 (Darin Hensley)and for coc.nvim and coc-tsserver, I refreshed main branches this morning to see if that could of been the reason15:46:36
22 Mar 2024
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann Looks like you're using an outdated coc.nvim, check :CocInfo please 01:40:20
@quaff:matrix.org@quaff:matrix.org joined the room.22:45:52

Is there anyway to set linter and formatter priority for a certain filetype?

I write typescript regularly, and depending on the project I'm dropped into, it'll be set up with coc-eslint, coc-prettier or coc-biome. I'm noticing that coc-tsserver takes precedence over all. If I disable the formatter with coc-tsserver, calling CocActionAsync('format') doesn't try any of the other formatters.

Does coc.nvim support multiple formatters at the same time for a specific filetype? If so, is there a way to set formatter priority specifically for this one file type?

@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann
In reply to @quaff:matrix.org

Is there anyway to set linter and formatter priority for a certain filetype?

I write typescript regularly, and depending on the project I'm dropped into, it'll be set up with coc-eslint, coc-prettier or coc-biome. I'm noticing that coc-tsserver takes precedence over all. If I disable the formatter with coc-tsserver, calling CocActionAsync('format') doesn't try any of the other formatters.

Does coc.nvim support multiple formatters at the same time for a specific filetype? If so, is there a way to set formatter priority specifically for this one file type?

coc-prettier has prettier.formatterPriority
@quaff:matrix.org@quaff:matrix.orgNevermind. I figured out the issue. coc-prettier seems to be outdated and not supporting prettier.config.mjs configs. 23:58:37
@quaff:matrix.org@quaff:matrix.org🥲 there's a PR for it, I've bumped. and converted to .prettierrc for now23:59:01
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann coc allows multiple formatters 23:59:09
@quaff:matrix.org@quaff:matrix.orgThat's good! I was worried it didn't but that wouldn't make sense cause it works so well in so many other ways :) 23:59:39
25 Mar 2024
@emptynature:matrix.orgemptynature joined the room.09:22:03
@mdorier:gitter.imMatthieu DorierI just started seeing a bug with coc this morning: when I start typing a function name, then autocomplete it from the suggestion, coc is supposed to select the first argument for me to edit, but right now it selects everything from the beginning of the file up to the first argument. Let me know what information I can provide to help reproduce/debug this (I'm absolutely not familiar with how vim plugins are coded).09:46:21
@mdorier:gitter.imMatthieu Dorier * I just started seeing a bug with coc this morning: when I start typing a function name, then autocomplete it from the suggestion, coc is supposed to select the first argument for me to edit, but right now it selects everything from the beginning of the file up to the first argument. Let me know what information I can provide to help reproduce/debug this (I'm absolutely not familiar with how vim plugins are coded). I'm working in C.09:46:40
@mdorier:gitter.imMatthieu DorierRedacted or Malformed Event10:05:30
26 Mar 2024
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann
In reply to @mdorier:gitter.im
I just started seeing a bug with coc this morning: when I start typing a function name, then autocomplete it from the suggestion, coc is supposed to select the first argument for me to edit, but right now it selects everything from the beginning of the file up to the first argument. Let me know what information I can provide to help reproduce/debug this (I'm absolutely not familiar with how vim plugins are coded). I'm working in C.
upgrade your vim please
@dman777-54dd612215522ed4b3dbf5e1:gitter.imdman777 (Darin Hensley)

It looks like it is the most recent at .82?

  vim version: NVIM v0.10.0-dev                                                                                                          
  node version: v20.10.0                                                                                                          
  coc.nvim version: 0.0.82-7a50d4d9 2022-08-01 01:37:29 +0800                                                                                                          
  coc.nvim directory: /home/one/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim                                                                                                          
  term: rxvt-unicode-256color                                                                                                          
  platform: linux                                                                                                          
  ## Log of coc.nvim                                                                                                          
  2024-03-26T14:54:28.224 INFO (pid:896610) [plugin] - coc.nvim initialized with node: v20.10.0 after 70ms
  2024-03-26T14:54:32.063 INFO (pid:896610) [attach] - receive notification: showInfo []  
27 Mar 2024
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann You're using the tag release version, use the release branch https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/tree/release 02:16:20

Thank you, I am now using the release branch. However, I am getting this error:

  ## versions

  vim version: NVIM v0.10.0-dev
  node version: v20.10.0
  coc.nvim version: 0.0.82-7a50d4d9 2022-08-01 01:37:29 +0800
  coc.nvim directory: /home/one/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim
  term: rxvt-unicode-256color
  platform: linux

  ## Log of coc.nvim

  2024-03-27T14:09:58.561 INFO (pid:922775) [plugin] - coc.nvim initialized with node: v20.10.0 after 165ms
  2024-03-27T14:09:58.562 ERROR (pid:922775) [extensions] - Error on active extension coc-tsserver: import_c  oc50.services.register is not a function TypeError: import_coc50.services.register is not a function
      at Object.activate (/home/one/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-tsserver/lib/index.js:17730:44)
      at /home/one/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim/build/index.js:274:1443
      at new Promise (<anonymous>)
      at Object.activate (/home/one/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim/build/index.js:274:1401)
      at Y_.activate (/home/one/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim/build/index.js:271:7448)
      at /home/one/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim/build/index.js:273:199
      at new Promise (<anonymous>)
      at s (/home/one/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim/build/index.js:273:68)
      at Y_.setupActiveEvents (/home/one/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim/build/index.js:274:143)
      at Y_.activateExtensions (/home/one/.config/nvim/pack/plugins/start/coc.nvim/build/index.js:270:20492)
  2024-03-27T14:10:52.313 INFO (pid:922775) [attach] - receive notification: showInfo []
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann

coc.nvim version: 0.0.82-7a50d4d9 2022-08-01 01:37:29 +0800

This is not the latest release branch commit

28 Mar 2024
@darin_hensley_twitter-5e3e19a9d73408ce4fd905e1:gitter.imdman777I was using the vim directory path instead of neovim. Thank you for your patience and help!12:26:54
@darin_hensley_twitter-5e3e19a9d73408ce4fd905e1:gitter.imdman777 * I figured out the issue, I was using the vim directory path instead of neovim. Thank you for your patience and help! 12:27:02
30 Mar 2024
@kohloth:matrix.orgkohloth joined the room.17:40:15
@kohloth:matrix.orgkohloth Hi all. Hope this is the right channel. Wondering if someone could help me with fixing problems with COC starting in neovim. When I open neovim, coc autocompletions are absent. If I run the command :CocInfo, or :CocOpenLog, I see "Not an editor command". If I run PlugInstall though, the plugin seems so start up, and autocompletion works, and CocInfo works. Is there a way to ensure coc runs without having to run :PlugInstall everytime I restart neovim? 17:42:59
@kohloth:matrix.orgkohlothI've tried pasting the contents of this (https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/blob/master/doc/coc-example-config.lua) file into my init.lua, but I just get loads of errors upon starting if I do this, so I think this is not a way to try and fix coc not starting up.17:44:06
@kohloth:matrix.orgkohlothI'm using nvim 0.9.5. (With nvchad)17:45:31
@colinkennedy-5ab78b37d73408ce4f9308b5:gitter.im@colinkennedy-5ab78b37d73408ce4f9308b5:gitter.im left the room.19:07:36
31 Mar 2024
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward FannWhy do you run PlugInstall with NvChad ?03:07:39
3 Apr 2024
Download image.png

Hello, when selecting a item from the menu for completion of a word, is there a way to have the word list one solid color?

For instance, searchText is multi colored... dark blue for the word portion of sear while chText is cyan. I would like this to be just a one single color if possible

4 Apr 2024
@vedranmaric:matrix.orgVedran Maric joined the room.12:28:57
@vedranmaric:matrix.orgVedran Maric Hi. Is there a way to disable calling of coc#highlight#ranges()? It's making my editor very unresponsive combined with coc-intelephense. Even just scrolling or typing in text (with lsp configured to run only on save). 12:31:33

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