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7 Apr 2024
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann
In reply to @vedranmaric:matrix.org
Hi. Is there a way to disable calling of coc#highlight#ranges()? It's making my editor very unresponsive combined with coc-intelephense. Even just scrolling or typing in text (with lsp configured to run only on save).
coc#highlight#ranges is called by highlightRanges in several places, https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aneoclide%2Fcoc.nvim%20highlightRanges&type=code , can you make a minimal vimrc to reproduce the issue?
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann
In reply to @darin_hensley_twitter-5e3e19a9d73408ce4fd905e1:gitter.im
sent an image.
You can custom the hi group with CocPumSearch
8 Apr 2024
Download image.png

why can't lazy vim load my colorscheme?

return {
    lazy = false,
    config = function(plugin)
      vim.opt.rtp:append(plugin.dir .. "/vim")
    opts = {
      colorscheme = "onehalfdark",
@xquilt:matrix.org@xquilt:matrix.org joined the room.18:01:26
@xquilt:matrix.org@xquilt:matrix.org I'm trying to use window.showMenuPicker to show a list of item. The intended behavior is to let the user keep clicking on different items to invoke a certain action. However, due to coc.nvim defualt behavior, when the user either choose an item/hit ESC the menu will resolve the Premise and close. 18:05:39
@xquilt:matrix.org@xquilt:matrix.org * I'm trying to use window.showMenuPicker to show a list of item.
The intended behavior is to let the user keep clicking on different items to invoke a certain action.
However, due to coc.nvim defualt behavior, when the user either choose an item/hit ESC the menu will resolve the Premise and close.

So far the best I could do is to abstract the window.showMenuPicker behavior in a function recursively calling itself in case the Promise resolves to -1 , but it keeps re-rendering the menu.

async function sss(items: string[], cancellationTokenSource: CancellationTokenSource) {
    window.showMenuPicker(items, {
        title: '',
        content: '',
        shortcuts: false,
        position: 'cursor'
    }, cancellationTokenSource.token)
     .then((resolvedItemIndex) => {
         // cancellationTokenSource.dispose() // Ineffective :(
         if (resolvedItemIndex != -1) {
            sss(items, cancellationTokenSource)

Is there a better workaround?

@xquilt:matrix.org@xquilt:matrix.org removed their display name xquilt.18:12:35
@xquilt:matrix.org@xquilt:matrix.org 18:12:43
9 Apr 2024
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann Mostafa MahmoudI think your way is working as expected 01:41:42
In reply to @fannheyward:matrix.org
Mostafa MahmoudI think your way is working as expected
It does redraw the menu, but the downsides is flickery menu rendering & menu item selection gets restarted
@xquilt:matrix.org@xquilt:matrix.org *

So far the best I could do is to abstract the window.showMenuPicker behavior in a function recursively calling itself in case the Promise resolves to -1 , but it keeps re-rendering the menu.

async function sss(items: string[], cancellationTokenSource: CancellationTokenSource) {
    window.showMenuPicker(items, {
        title: '',
        content: '',
        shortcuts: false,
        position: 'cursor'
    }, cancellationTokenSource.token)
     .then((resolvedItemIndex) => {
         // cancellationTokenSource.dispose() // Ineffective :(
         if (resolvedItemIndex != -1) {
            sss(items, cancellationTokenSource)

Is there a better workaround?

11 Apr 2024
@vedranmaric:matrix.orgVedran Maric
In reply to @fannheyward:matrix.org
coc#highlight#ranges is called by highlightRanges in several places, https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aneoclide%2Fcoc.nvim%20highlightRanges&type=code , can you make a minimal vimrc to reproduce the issue?
Hi, thanks for answering.
Turns out I was actually using coc-phpls. After switching to @yaegassy/coc-intelephense, problem seems to be gone.
@the.moonwalker:matrix.orgMoonwalker joined the room.13:40:20
@xquilt:matrix.org@xquilt:matrix.org 19:03:05
12 Apr 2024
@darin_hensley_twitter-5e3e19a9d73408ce4fd905e1:gitter.imdman777thank you12:38:54
Download image.png
@darin_hensley_twitter-5e3e19a9d73408ce4fd905e1:gitter.imdman777I am reading https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/blob/master/doc/coc.txt#L3295 But I can not figure out how to set or use CocPumSearch. I don't see it in my vim list (not sure if I am supposed?) 12:54:53
17 Apr 2024
@flowey:yagoo.moefloweyn't joined the room.14:39:57
@flowey:yagoo.moefloweyn'tis it possible to highlight the suggestion pum symbol names?14:44:54
@flowey:yagoo.moefloweyn't * is it possible to highlight the suggestion pum symbol names by type?14:45:05
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann What do you mean by type? 15:03:36

Like suppose coc suggests two things:
func (signature)

I would like to highlight func with something like CocSymbolFunction, and type with CocSymbolClass

18 Apr 2024
@serprex-56a3e1bbe610378809bdda03:gitter.im@serprex-56a3e1bbe610378809bdda03:gitter.im left the room.00:31:53
@fannheyward:matrix.orgHeyward Fann
In reply to @flowey:yagoo.moe

Like suppose coc suggests two things:
func (signature)

I would like to highlight func with something like CocSymbolFunction, and type with CocSymbolClass

no such feature yet
@dharrigan:matrix.org@dharrigan:matrix.org left the room.13:42:28
19 Apr 2024
@quaff:matrix.org@quaff:matrix.org left the room.02:36:42
24 Apr 2024
@coldspark29-5c4ee7cdd73408ce4fb6227e:gitter.imjclsnHow to change the unusedSign? You can change errorSign, warningSign and infoSign, but not the unusedSign it seems.19:44:52
@coldspark29-5c4ee7cdd73408ce4fb6227e:gitter.imjclsnMight be Julia specific19:45:59

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