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17 Dec 2023
@_discord_252529231215460353:t2bot.iov Agree. 22:12:48
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking engine gaskets goes BRRRRR 22:14:38
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking I take it you're not referring to the GR Corolla 22:14:50
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking IDK when it's the most prevalent, I just know that the Subaru boxer engines are quite finicky much like a rotary 22:16:00
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking yea, flat engines have a lot of extra complexity 22:16:19
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking main advantage is how low they keep the center of gravity but in terms of smoothness boxers aren't close to the top 22:16:49
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking the RX8 has a factory redline of like 9500RPM and some track monsters have been pushed up to 11000RPM and even close to 13000RPM 22:17:18
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking they're fairly smooth but not perfect since the pistons are still offset a bit and they need to be balanced just like an i5 or V engines 22:17:48
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking I'll rev my Opel Shitbox to 6500RPM XD 22:18:11
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking I'm gonna go ahead and quote most people... COROLLA 22:18:45
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking Camry
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking so a hatchback 22:19:43
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking you could also go the tiny route with a Yaris/Echo, VW Lupo or an old golf though the VW options are only a good idea in Europe 22:20:13
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking there's also the Volvo option since any model pre 2010 is built like a tank and has a wide aftermarket 22:20:33
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking yea, stance crew love subarus and VWs for some weird reason 22:21:08
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking Volvo had a habit of overbuilding their cars to insane degrees in the past and they have a massive fanbase for track builds and sleeper builds 22:21:50
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking one can always learn 22:23:53
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking where did you live? I can never recall 22:24:05
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking hmm, I'm thinking a Toyota Yaris or a Honda Fit could be go to options 22:26:18
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking they're compact, fairly fuel economical, not very heavy and fast enough for day to day use 22:26:26
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking even if it is, I'm not sure it's a great car especially if MPG is a concern 22:26:33
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking just watch this https://youtu.be/6ee4GTguycA 22:26:54
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking you're not completely wrong, small wheels are supreme 22:28:00
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking kinda, people haul ass in them on track 22:28:51
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking it's surprisingly fast 22:28:55
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking yea, FWD 22:29:44
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking if you think FWD is booring I suggest you watch some mini cooper racing 22:29:58
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking welcome to enthusiasts of affordable cars they can convince their parents to buy 22:30:36
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking FWD in cars like that used to be and in many parts of the world still is the standard 22:30:52
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioViking good luck, they'll taint any and all fun cars or cars with any and all performance 22:31:17

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