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30 Mar 2022
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioCarNoob Sheeran🎇 that and also depends on area 19:13:45
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioCarNoob Sheeran🎇 the sorta areas I look at I could afford within 2 or 3 years of working using a loan or if I wanted a decently nice apartment I could theoretically afford one in 6 months of working and if I needed one quicker then rental properties are an option although they're less then ideal.

I also know that I could try to bargain and barter to drive price/rent down a bit or get extra privileges included in the price.

then we have people like my cousin who ended up dropping the about 200K USD on an apartment in the center of a city which only has 1 room with kitchen and sleeping area then a small bathroom with insane rent or the people who get group living cause they think it's impossible to afford anything otherwise
@_discord_304277978034995203:t2bot.ioCarNoob Sheeran🎇 you just gotta know where to look and what you're looking for then play your cards right 19:17:51
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioIzaw#0373 joined the room.19:57:32
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioIzaw#0373 bro where the fuck are you living for you to be able to affoard an apartment in 6 month of work 19:57:32
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioIzaw#0373 here it's at best a 15 years loan 19:57:50
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.iozE you got it wrong, it's 6 months of work for one month of renty 20:01:02
@_discord_378842879050776576:t2bot.iozE * you got it wrong, it's 6 months of work for one month of rent 20:01:02
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 It's more than doable to afford to purchase an apartment in that amount of time in the states 20:05:37
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 Especially if it's as cheap as 250k 20:05:52
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioIzaw#0373 ah yeah "cheap 250K" 20:06:02
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioIzaw#0373 sorry for not living in your 10% inflation per month country 20:06:12
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 I mean, 3.5% down on 250k is only like 9k for a down payment, and like 2-3k in other fees/costs 20:06:29
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 And that's all you need to buy an apartment 20:06:38
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioIzaw#0373 so just be rich to become richer, got it 20:06:48
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioIzaw#0373 thanks man 20:06:50
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 U dont need to be rich to save up 9k bruh 20:07:03
@_discord_908351015923908618:t2bot.iochrіs joined the room.20:07:05
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 maybe it'll take longer than 6 months for people making less than what I do, but it's not like this impossible amount of capital that you need 20:07:33
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioIzaw#0373 ah yeah sure because you only need the down payment to affoard the house 20:07:55
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 Of course not 20:08:07
@chocolatepie698:matrix.orgchocolatepie698Most younger people can't afford housing anyway. The mortgage is high asf anyway.20:08:51
@chocolatepie698:matrix.orgchocolatepie698 * Most younger people can't afford housing anyway. The mortgage is high asf. 20:08:58
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioIzaw#0373 rich become richer because they can affoard to pay to get more money, welcome to the world 20:09:22
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 The mortgage is almost surely to be around the same as rent for whatever you're buying 20:10:11
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 At least here 20:10:15
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 I mean my coworker just bought a duplex here in california for 420k, bro rents the other side out 20:10:32
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 his tenant pays most of the mortgage cost for both units 20:10:45
In reply to @_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.io
I mean my coworker just bought a duplex here in california for 420k, bro rents the other side out
Well you coworker is in the minority who can afford that shit bud
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ioLevel 7#0001 He makes less money than I do 20:11:20

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