
Old Fedora Meeting 3 - please join current one

56 Members
6 Servers

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9 Nov 2023
@lenkaseg:fedora.imlenkaseg!info Choose chair for next standup08:45:27
@lenkaseg:fedora.imlenkaseg!info November 9 - jrichardson08:45:27
@lenkaseg:fedora.imlenkaseg!topic Discussion / All other Business / Blockers08:46:13
@lenkaseg:fedora.imlenkaseg!action - host has to put their favorite song/track08:46:21
@lenkaseg:fedora.imlenkaseg!info Thank you all for coming. See you next business day. (except friday)09:05:58

Text Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meeting-3_matrix_fedoraproject-org/2023-11-09/cpe-infra-releng-daily-standup.2023-11-09-08.36.log.txt


HTML Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meeting-3_matrix_fedoraproject-org/2023-11-09/cpe-infra-releng-daily-standup.2023-11-09-08.36.log.html


Text Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meeting-3_matrix_fedoraproject-org/2023-11-09/cpe-infra-releng-daily-standup.2023-11-09-08.36.txt


HTML Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meeting-3_matrix_fedoraproject-org/2023-11-09/cpe-infra-releng-daily-standup.2023-11-09-08.36.html


Meeting ended at 2023-11-09 09:06:03 UTC

@davdunc:fedora.imdavdunc changed their display name from davdunc (traveling) to davdunc.15:47:32
10 Nov 2023
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirikchanged room power levels.00:27:26
@kevin:fedoraproject.orgKevin's admin account - use nirik@matrix.scrye.com to reach meHey everyone. I am going to upgrade this room. Your client should give you a handy 'go to replacement room' button to move to the upgraded room. If for some reason it doesn't, you should be able to just leave this room and join #meeting:fedoraproject.org and get the new room. See you all on the other side. ;) 00:27:41
@kevin:fedoraproject.orgKevin's admin account - use nirik@matrix.scrye.com to reach mechanged room power levels.00:29:29
@phsmoura:fedora.im@phsmoura:fedora.im left the room.15:02:16
12 Nov 2023
@salimma:fedora.im@salimma:fedora.im changed their display name from Michel Lind (né Salim) 🎩 to Michel Lind🎩.23:21:20
13 Nov 2023
@tflink:fedora.im@tflink:fedora.im left the room.03:31:02
@zodbot:fedora.im@zodbot:fedora.im left the room.06:49:33
@meetbot:fedora.im@meetbot:fedora.im left the room.07:15:23
16 Nov 2023
@dherrera:fedora.imDiego Herrera changed their display name from Diego Herrera (he/him) to Diego Herrera.14:54:14
@dherrera:fedora.imDiego Herrera set a profile picture.14:59:26
@carlwgeorge:matrix.org@carlwgeorge:matrix.org joined the room.18:24:43
20 Nov 2023
@mattdm:fedora.immattdm changed their display name from mattdm to mattdm (on vacation this week).19:15:55
21 Nov 2023
@carlwgeorge:matrix.org@carlwgeorge:matrix.org changed their display name from carlwgeorge to Carl George.20:19:00
23 Nov 2023
@praiskup:matrix.orgpraiskup joined the room.09:15:31
@praiskup:matrix.orgpraiskup set a profile picture.09:42:22
27 Nov 2023
@arrfab:fedora.imarrfab joined the room.07:41:53
@jonatoni:fedora.imJona Azizaj (she/her) changed their display name from Jona Azizaj to Jona Azizaj (she/her).12:20:44
28 Nov 2023
@pcreech:matrix.org@pcreech:matrix.org left the room.14:09:26

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