
Old Fedora Meeting 3 - please join current one

60 Members
6 Servers

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2 Apr 2024
@decathorpe:fedora.imFabio Valentini changed their display name from Fabio Valentini 🤒 to Fabio Valentini.14:04:28
4 Apr 2024
@michel:one.ems.hostMichel Lind 🍥 changed their profile picture.18:13:11
10 Apr 2024
@dustymabe:matrix.orgdustymabe set a profile picture.16:30:53
21 Apr 2024
@bittin:fedora.im@bittin:fedora.im changed their display name from Luna Jernberg to Luna Jernberg (Fedora resting time until 17-18th May 2024).17:39:32
26 Apr 2024
@decathorpe:fedora.imFabio Valentini changed their display name from Fabio Valentini to Fabio Valentini (AFK until April 28).13:00:06
27 Apr 2024
@decathorpe:fedora.imFabio Valentini changed their display name from Fabio Valentini (AFK until April 28) to Fabio Valentini.21:28:43
30 Apr 2024
@cmurf:fedora.im@cmurf:fedora.im left the room.15:45:05
13 May 2024
@bittin:fedora.im@bittin:fedora.im changed their display name from Luna Jernberg (Fedora resting time until 17-18th May 2024) to Luna Jernberg.03:21:19
14 May 2024
@dherrera:fedora.imDiego Herrera changed their profile picture.20:11:07
21 May 2024
@decathorpe:fedora.imFabio Valentini changed their display name from Fabio Valentini to Fabio Valentini (AFK 🤒).20:08:09
24 May 2024
@decathorpe:fedora.imFabio Valentini changed their display name from Fabio Valentini (AFK 🤒) to Fabio Valentini.00:20:03
@jnsamyak:matrix.orgjnsamyak set a profile picture.13:42:43
2 Jun 2024
@decathorpe:fedora.imFabio Valentini changed their display name from Fabio Valentini to Fabio Valentini 🤒.22:40:47
6 Jun 2024
@decathorpe:fedora.imFabio Valentini changed their display name from Fabio Valentini 🤒 to Fabio Valentini.16:33:46
10 Jun 2024
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik changed their display name from nirik to nirik (out: back the 17th).14:19:51
14 Jun 2024
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their display name from The Exorcist (Away for few days, may be months) to The Exorcist.13:59:37
15 Jun 2024
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik changed their display name from nirik (out: back the 17th) to nirik.15:20:20
4 Jul 2024
@gotmax:matrix.orggotmax23 changed their display name from gotmax23 to gotmax23 (out until July 14).19:25:17
6 Jul 2024
@bittin:fedora.im@bittin:fedora.im changed their display name from Luna Jernberg to Luna Jernberg - (break until end of this summer).09:54:09
8 Jul 2024
@bittin:fedora.im@bittin:fedora.im left the room.21:22:51
9 Jul 2024
@mon:tchncs.de@mon:tchncs.de left the room.06:18:46
15 Jul 2024
@gotmax:matrix.orggotmax23 changed their display name from gotmax23 (out until July 14) to gotmax23.19:44:20
18 Jul 2024
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.15:08:36
19 Jul 2024
@decathorpe:fedora.imFabio Valentini changed their display name from Fabio Valentini to Fabio Valentini (back July 22).19:25:29
22 Jul 2024
@decathorpe:fedora.imFabio Valentini changed their display name from Fabio Valentini (back July 22) to Fabio Valentini.09:29:26
@dkirwan:fedora.imDavid Kirwan changed their profile picture.14:37:11
25 Jul 2024
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.19:05:21
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist removed their profile picture.19:05:48
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist set a profile picture.19:06:13
26 Jul 2024
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.14:37:30

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