

235 Members
https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit46 Servers

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28 Dec 2023
@kamlendras:matrix.org@kamlendras:matrix.org joined the room.16:19:01
@kamlendras:matrix.org@kamlendras:matrix.org left the room.17:58:28
30 Dec 2023
@cloudpanda:matrix.org@cloudpanda:matrix.org left the room.04:14:51
31 Dec 2023
@msmith12:matrix.org2024favyear changed their display name from 2023favyear to 2024favyear.21:55:35
1 Jan 2024
@opnxng:matrix.org@opnxng:matrix.org left the room.08:20:44
2 Jan 2024
@yay01:matrix.org@yay01:matrix.org joined the room.06:05:14
4 Jan 2024
@goodboy:matrix.orglord_fomo joined the room.17:42:11
17 Jan 2024
@norvegan:monero.socialNorVegan joined the room.01:18:35
18 Jan 2024
@839ty9:matrix.org839ty9 joined the room.16:06:16
@therealzerosec:matrix.org@therealzerosec:matrix.org left the room.19:12:08
20 Jan 2024
@winsdominoes:matrix.winscloud.net@winsdominoes:matrix.winscloud.net changed their profile picture.12:32:27
21 Jan 2024
@c:frei.chat@c:frei.chat changed their profile picture.17:46:32
@c:frei.chat@c:frei.chat changed their display name from JC to J.C.17:47:41
@c:frei.chat@c:frei.chat changed their display name from J.C to JC.22:46:24
24 Jan 2024
@odrling:aidoru.agency@odrling:aidoru.agency left the room.00:51:58
27 Jan 2024
@c:frei.chat@c:frei.chat left the room.20:08:01
30 Jan 2024
@yukihira:aishiteiru.moe@yukihira:aishiteiru.moe joined the room.07:32:46
@yukihira:aishiteiru.moe@yukihira:aishiteiru.moe left the room.09:18:11
31 Jan 2024
@eg:envs.net@eg:envs.net left the room.00:55:13
7 Feb 2024
@winsdominoes:matrix.winscloud.net@winsdominoes:matrix.winscloud.net changed their profile picture.07:07:58
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlhaving power maintenance in my area, teddit.zaggy.nl to be down for up to 8h from now08:49:52
@rottenwheel:kernal.eurottenwheel zaggynl thanks for the heads up. One of the best instances, if not the best. Props for keeping it running. 11:58:41
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlshould be back now17:38:14
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlalso, I'm thinking about switching to libreddit, it seems to be in active development/maintenance and some videos actually have audio17:38:35
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlI don't like the looks though, maybe that can be fixed with theming17:40:09
@rottenwheel:kernal.eurottenwheelSame. I always preferred teddit because it used the old reddit UI whereas libreddit adopted the new UI.18:06:30
@vladimyr:matrix.orgvladimyrIt is such a shame nobody ported that oauth token generation algorithm from redlib to teddit18:33:00
@vladimyr:matrix.orgvladimyrI mean don't want to sound entitled, might do it myself when I found some free time18:33:28
@vladimyr:matrix.orgvladimyrThing is it will require no more than few dozen lines of code and in the same time effectively bring teddit back to life 18:34:44
@sigaloid:matrix.orgsigaloid Yeah, just change the base url to oauth.reddit.com and add a few headers onto all requests. You don’t necessarily have to follow what redlib does to a T, since I added a lot of headers and spoofing that aren’t necessary, just to be harder to block in the future. I will take a look at teddit later today to see if I can add it but I’m not entirely familiar with the code base 18:38:36

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