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2 Aug 2023
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynl * man, 429 is going to cure my reddit addiction11:43:10
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlOn the other hand, lemmy is getting better slowly, without reddit imploding I think the community will remain fractured11:44:34
@rottenwheel:nokyc.im@rottenwheel:nokyc.imShame if teddit doesn't get further maintained, updated. Old reddit layout is awesome, I like teddit more because of this.12:52:48
@aryak:projectsegfau.lt@aryak:projectsegfau.lt changed their display name from Arya [projectsegfau.lt] (out of matrix till 3/8/23 due to exams) to Arya [projectsegfau.lt].13:44:11
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlhuh, incogsnoo cert also expired21:08:31
3 Aug 2023
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlis the admin for artemislena.eu instance here? if you could make the dark theme default?14:59:52
@tanith:artemislena.eu@tanith:artemislena.euI'm onea the admins, n no.15:02:28
@tanith:artemislena.eu@tanith:artemislena.eu'f ur system theme's dark theme, it's gonna be dark theme by default.15:02:48
@tanith:artemislena.eu@tanith:artemislena.euI'm pretty sure setting the theme based on system theme (by default) 's better for accessibility than just forcing dark theme for everyone by default.15:03:23
In reply to @tanith:artemislena.eu
'f ur system theme's dark theme, it's gonna be dark theme by default.
(the default theme's "Auto")
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlI have my DE on dark but the site defaults to white, which going between instances is dark, dark, dark, beacons of gondor lit, but I respect sticking with defaults16:09:21
@tanith:artemislena.eu@tanith:artemislena.euHm, 't should be based on ur browser preferences.16:11:25
@tanith:artemislena.eu@tanith:artemislena.eu(not necessarily the same as DE, I think)16:11:50
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlhmm, ill set firefox theme to dark instead of automatic16:12:22
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlor rather, website appearance16:12:29
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlno change, I guess I could for the site to its own tab container and set the cookie16:13:52
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynl * no change, I guess I could for the site lock it to its own tab container and set the cookie16:14:10
@tanith:artemislena.eu@tanith:artemislena.euHuh, strange.16:40:59
* @tanith:artemislena.eu@tanith:artemislena.eu wonders whether artemislena.eu 's dark or light for ya16:41:17
@tanith:artemislena.eu@tanith:artemislena.eu Or annaaurora.eu, or bepiratedo.gay, or any other site that sets the theme via a prefers-color-scheme media query. 16:42:06
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlthose are light17:39:18
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlbut I expect it's something I did to my browser17:39:36
@capybara:projectsegfau.lt@capybara:projectsegfau.lt joined the room.17:44:39
@tanith:artemislena.eu@tanith:artemislena.euYeah, guess sth in about:config or some extension could break't? By default, 't should just work, yk.18:28:07
@sluffer78:matrix.orgSluffer changed their display name from sluffer78 to Duffed Out.21:09:28
7 Aug 2023
@jdncoke:matrix.org@jdncoke:matrix.org joined the room.03:06:03
@jdncoke:matrix.org@jdncoke:matrix.org left the room.03:06:42
10 Aug 2023
@jghoffay:matrix.orgjghoffay joined the room.02:30:21
@tio:matrix.trom.tf@tio:matrix.trom.tf left the room.03:04:05
@eg:envs.net@eg:envs.net joined the room.14:39:31

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